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Birthday Wishes

Current Mood: Loved
Šašha (lady sashington-smythe, *)
Female - 52 years old, Federal Way, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Married

Posted: 2018-05-21 11:49:17 pm Category General Viewed 513 times Likes 1

I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for their birthday wishes.   I can't tell you how much they meant to me.   I also want to thank everyone who came into Open Minded and spend my birthday with me and rocked out to Sizzle Radio and Dj Vipes for my birthday show.  I had an amazing time and I'm so thanksful for every one of you.



2018-05-22 12:04:42 am
You're welcome, still hate you though, cuz you look 36 ;)
2018-05-22 12:05:46 am
Awww that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me Fook ;)
2018-05-22 1:01:59 am
I strive to please ;)