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Back From My Mini Vacation

Current Mood: Loved
Šašha (lady sashington-smythe, *)
Female - 52 years old, Federal Way, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Married

Posted: 2019-09-15 6:50:17 pm Category General Viewed 477 times Likes 1

I'm back from my mini vacation.  I spent the past few days at a secluded cabin in the Cascade Mountains.  It was great to unplug from everything.  There was no wifi where I was at and I didn't have reception, so my cell phone was shut off.  The cabin did have electricity and a bathroom, that's all that I needed.  I enjoyed taking long walks, enjoyed a long hike along some trails and relaxed in the evenings by either watching a movie or reading.   It was a great vacation, was so good to get away from everything.  I feel my balance has been restored and just in time....I begin my Masters program this Wednesday.  I highly recommend unplugging from everything and taking some time for yourself.  You will feel amazing!!!

2019-09-15 10:10:24 pm
Its my favorite place as well Mela!!
2019-09-15 10:10:33 pm
It was great Vincent xoxo
2019-09-15 11:08:28 pm
wb sasha(K) and glad you enjoyed yourself and didn't have no bears chasing you lol,,and yes you need to unwind