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A Rant...Kind Of

Current Mood: Loved
Šašha (lady sashington-smythe, *)
Female - 52 years old, Federal Way, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Married

Posted: 2020-05-03 10:31:53 pm Category General Viewed 431 times Likes 5

“I’m tired of being quarantined…. I want to go out…. I want to get my hair done…. I want my nails done…. I want to go to a bar…. I want to eat out.”  I am so tired of hearing people say this day after day after day.  I am a healthcare worker and I don’t have a choice; I must go to work every day.  I take every precaution necessary.  I wear a mask and gloves.  I have pulled double duty…I work at my regular job, then at the hospital.  I have put in 60 plus hour work weeks.  But I am not complaining about that.  It’s the nature of my job, I expect to be working like this during a crisis/pandemic.  What I am ranting about are the people who do not take precautions, do not wear masks or gloves, and go out in public as if nothing is wrong.  I am ranting about the complainers and the protesters who think their rights are being trampled on when in fact their state is doing what is best for the people because some of their people will not do what is best for themselves or their families. 

I get it, I understand about not working and worrying about money.  I understand about being scared and being fearful, but that is no reason to take unnecessary risks.  You are not just risking your health, but you are risking the health of your family, friends, acquaintances, co-workers, anyone you come in contact with.  It is time to stop taking risks, it’s time to stop complaining, it’s time to do what we need to do so we can stop the spread of the CoronaVirus and end the stay at home order.  Before you decide to go out in public, before you go to the beach, the mall, or in a public place with a lot of people, stop and think about what you are risking. 

The one thing that seems to annoy me the most about the uninformed is hearing them say, “I don’t know anyone who has/had the virus, so it is not real, it’s fake!”  Well, I am here to tell you it is very real, the deaths are very real, those infected are very real and if you still have doubts, see if you can volunteer at a hospital and work directly with those infected.  May that will open your eyes.

Here is the link to the Center for Disease Control (CDC)

Here you will find the best information about the CoronaVirus.  Stop listening to the media, stop with the conspiracy theories, and please, have some compassion.

2020-05-06 12:04:39 am
I understand that not everyone will agree with what I have written and that's ok. However, what is not ok is to diminish the hard work of everyone who is still working, putting themselves at risk. Granted, the term front line is greatly associated with the military and I am in NO way diminishing the sacrifices they have made and continue to make. Another definition of front line is the most advanced, responsible, or visible position in a field or activity (ty Webster's Dictionary).
2020-05-06 12:07:15 am
Those of us who are on the front line are not voluntary, this is our job, this is what we do. We are willingly putting ourselves at risk because this is what we do. Haigan and Kyrielle, I respect your opinion and I thank you for them. However, it doesn't mean I agree with them. Step into the shoes of a hospital worker, someone who's been on their feet for 12 plus hours and tell me they aren't front line workers. Ok rant over and I am now shutting off comments. Thank you for your opinion.
2020-05-06 12:10:00 am
One last thing, while it is your choice to not wear a mask or take steps necessary to reduce the risk you post to yourself, your family, friends and the public, it is my choice to say that the lack of common sense and compassion is sad and I hope you don't end up making yourself sick or someone else sick. I also hope you don't cost someone their life because of your foolish decisions.