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Current Mood: Loved
Šašha (lady sashington-smythe, *)
Female - 52 years old, Federal Way, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Married

Posted: 2020-07-26 10:12:22 pm Category General Viewed 304 times Likes 3

The last few days have been about taking time for myself.  Spending time in the mountains with my Mom and Grandma was just what I needed.  A lot of rest and relaxation has made me feel so much better.  Especially during this time, it is important to take care of yourself!!!

Inspirational Quote: It all begins with you, If you do not care for yourself, you will not be strong enough to take care of anything in life.

2020-07-27 12:47:02 am
Thank you Speedy(K)(K)(K)(K)(K)
2020-07-27 6:52:57 pm
A getaway always does wonders
2020-07-30 12:08:13 am
Happy you got away! Take care of yourself.....hugs