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Šašha's Profile

Current Mood: Loved
Šašha (lady sashington-smythe, *)
Female - 52 years old, Federal Way, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Married

Updated: 2025-01-02 1:33:43 am Viewed 27,645 times Likes 62

Happily engaged as of August 1, 2023❤️

Happily married...October 22, 2023❤️

What is meant to be, will always find a way~~~Unknown

A.K.A...Lady Sashington-Smythe (Courtesy of Miss Penelope)



Hello and welcome to my profile.   Yes my name really is Sasha, yes I am 52 years old, and yes I am innocent (ok, ok, maybe I'm not THAT innocent, lol).  I like to surround myself with people who have a great sense of humor.  I've made some amazing friends here and I cherish each and every one of them.  I don't trust easily, but when I do trust, I do so unconditionally.  Music feeds my soul, I love many genres of music.  

This is one of my current favorite songs (my favorite song will be subject to change based on my whim :P )

As You Are~~Daughtry

You're feeling isolate, and all kinds frustrate
But I love you as you are, love you as you are, yeah
And don't worry about the haters
It don't fit in those boxes they create
And it's tearing you apart, it's tearing you apart, yeah

And when you build those walls to keep you safe
It's like a prison you can't escape
You tear them down, you just might hear me say

I love you as you are
I love you as you are
And when the whole damn world don't know what they got 'til it's gone
I love you
I love you as you are
I love you as you are
And when the whole damn world don't know what they got 'til it's gone
I love you
I love you as you are

You can come out of the shadows
They're only scared of what they don't know
But I love you as you are, love you as you are, yeah
Yeah, you waged this war within yourself
Wasting time dying in a shell
They don't define you, just know they never will

I love you as you are
I love you as you are
And when the whole damn world don't know what they got 'til it's gone
I love you
I love you as you are
I love you as you are
And when the whole damn world don't know what they got 'til it's gone
I love you
I love you as you are, yeah
I love you as you are

You're feeling isolate, and all kinds frustrate
But I love you as you are, love you as you are, yeah

I love you as you are
I love you as you are
And when the whole damn world don't know what they got 'til it's gone
I love you
I love you as you are
When the whole damn world don't know what they got 'til it's gone, 'til it's gone, 'til it's gone
I love you as you are, yeah
I love you as you are, yeah
When the whole damn world don't know what they got 'til it's gone
I love you as you are


For m52§peedy, Jeankid, and Dj with the angels 


Still my favorite song, love the lyrics, love his vocals.