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Sonnet's Blog

2016-05-03 4:21:05 pm by Sonnet in category General
Where to begin. I discovered Gor from a chatroom in yahoo many years ago called the Jagged Dagger. I have been around a long time. A lot longer than alot of you who cry about old gor being dead. You have no one to blame but yourselves. You have bullied scandalized and truly hurt people all in the name of honor. If that is what you call honor I am ashamed to be part of this online community. I am...
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2016-04-25 1:12:18 pm by Sonnet in category General
Tal, I was wondering if Goreans or anyone wishing to learn more about Gor would be interested in starting a book discussion group.  If this is something that would interest you, please let me know.  I look forward to hearing thoughts about this. I am, Sonnet
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2016-04-22 10:27:30 am by Sonnet in category General
A gloved hand tacks a sheet of rence to the public boards with the following words written in a pristine script, each letter delicate yet precise. Tal Fellow Goreans, I am looking for Scribe work.  I enjoy research and have started a Gorean encyclopedia.  I am a dedicated and honorable person and keep all things confidential.  If you are in need of my services, please...
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109 0
  • Kyri~Kassau~: We do not tolerate drama like this in Torvaldsland. There is a solution to it and it's called the...
  • Iskander: and yes, the last comment from me was sarcasm
  • ThieryW: I doubt it has any friends.
  • Iskander: VIVA SECOND LIFE!
  • Iskander: if you don't want people to comment on your blog, theres such thing as a "allow comments" option,...