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Scribe Looking For Employment

Current Mood: Calm
Sonnet (Sonnet Amena, Kallos)
Female - United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single

Posted: 2016-04-22 10:27:30 am Category General Viewed 109 times Likes 0

A gloved hand tacks a sheet of rence to the public boards with the following words written in a pristine script, each letter delicate yet precise.

Tal Fellow Goreans,

I am looking for Scribe work.  I enjoy research and have started a Gorean encyclopedia.  I am a dedicated and honorable person and keep all things confidential.  If you are in need of my services, please contact me through carrier vulo. 

Warm regards,



Previous Blog

2016-04-22 8:18:18 pm
Good luck in your search, Sonnet. And there is a great reference site at for those who are needing a good resource.
2016-04-22 8:58:13 pm
Fogaban's sight I know Him as well
2016-05-01 11:55:51 pm
Beware of this woman, who shows no honour, insulting Free Persons within Their Home, then "disappearing" when called to account.