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BaconRocks's Blog

2024-05-09 8:05:23 am by BaconRocks in category Tech
It's been such along time since I've been on here will it looks like 7 - 10 years ago I posted a blog so I remember shortly after msn closed I made an account i know I may have been in my early teens or mid-20's when i joined this site. it's crazy to think how along with msn chat closing next up in line was msn messenger then yahoo chats then Yahoo Messenger then skype gets sold...
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2019-07-27 5:20:15 am by BaconRocks in category Tech
It's been such along time since I've been on buzzen. It reminds me of msn in so many ways which brings me back to the those good old days, I bet you remember them when you had to get that old chat4.3.ocx  downloaded on internetexplore.  To think of now we have HTML 5 where you can make an irc chat with out no ocx file to have to download or flash. I bet msn is looking back...
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