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Warren's Blog

2018-10-11 10:59:46 pm by Warren in category General
Hi there, Haigan! I referred to this document in one of the political blogs in which you've been contending that the U.S. is a Constitutional REPUBLIC, and not a democracy. It occurred to me after that you may not notice that post, and I wanted to make sure you don't miss out! I found an informative document, published by the U.S. government itself, explaining the nature of the...
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2015-12-01 5:57:42 pm by Warren in category General
It seems that there is some creative reopening and reclosing of blogs today. Fortunately such is easy to deal with. ThieryW says: Warren? I feel obligated to listen when people who clearly are so full of themselves feel the urge to pontificate on subjects they clearly have no understanding of. Every time you feel the urge to open your pie hole and talk, nothing comes out except the same old...
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2015-11-12 8:16:25 pm by Warren in category General
As many of you know online Gor is a rather murky place at best. Normally this just serves to annoy me to a slight degree, long ago having got over the disappointment when I had come to that realization. But, today, I was surprised to see that online Gor had sunk to yet another new low. I actually thought it couldn't get any lower. Well, live and learn. Today I got to see a freeman, by the...
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2015-10-31 8:25:33 am by Warren in category General
There are some Gorean role-players that believe everything done in role-play must be in strict accordance with the books and supported by them, with all else rejected. I propose that this reasoning is valid to a point, but also flawed. For example, I have almost always seen the sula-ki position derided as being an onlinism and as such is often rejected by many homes on that basis. It is...
2015-10-31 2:18:51 am by Warren in category General
Introduction Tal, and welcome to my blog. I intend to use it for a variety of things, from perhaps acquainting you all with facets of the gem of my perfection* to sharing some of my ideals to discussing the philosophies of Gor to whatever else I may wish to speak about. It will not be used for role-playing. It is my hope to have the majority of the posts open to comment. However, as I...
  • Warren: My name is Warren. What you doubt doesn't matter. What I do is sustained by my interest, not that...
  • ThieryW: Theon, The last time you did anything worthwhile is the last time you logged off. As for whenever...
  • Warren: That's all well and good. Funny thing though, the original closing didn't stick, as the thread...
  • Robak~W: i told lexii to close the blog as it was getting into a slanging match ..its for information not...
  • Warren: I intend to keep this Gor related blog at a higher standard that what I normally see here. If you...