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Revisionist History - Phelan Curing Ost Venom

Current Mood: Balanced
Warren (Warren, *)
Male - 63 years old, Canada
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Long-Term Relationship

Posted: 2015-11-12 8:16:25 pm Category General Viewed 299 times Likes 0

As many of you know online Gor is a rather murky place at best. Normally this just serves to annoy me to a slight degree, long ago having got over the disappointment when I had come to that realization. But, today, I was surprised to see that online Gor had sunk to yet another new low. I actually thought it couldn't get any lower. Well, live and learn.

Today I got to see a freeman, by the name of Agrit, make a bald face lie regarding Phelan curing ost venom, despite the fact that a scroll had been provided making it clear that he had done so. This action was supported by using only part of the scroll provided, of course omitting the section that made the situation clear, and then only evaluated that which he cherry picked. This allowed him to make an evaluation out of context, which enabled him to prevent a revised version of the event to support his conclusion

I will present, again, part of the scroll posted. I, however, will not "forget" to include that which gave the situation context.

alli-cat-CoF-ys reaches out and and carefully and slowly starts to slide the jeweled straight pin into danicas white silks her hands trembling badly as she tries not to hurt the girl 
danica-Phelan-CoF-ws looking down at the lovely pin, tears spill over and gently caress the pale skin of her cheeks. looking back to her sister, she hops off her Master's lap and takes her in a tight embrace then kisses her cheek whispering
danica-Phelan-CoF-ws : thank you sister, it means more to me than you can imagine. you are such a wonderful and beautiful sister, thank you, thank you so much
alli-cat-CoF-ys takes another deep breath to steady nerves and tries to quickly get the jeweled pin thats tipped through her hand trebles and it slips and scratches danica just barely but makes it through the fabric
danica-Phelan-CoF-ws oops, got ahead of myself
danica-Phelan-CoF-ws ahem - please see my response above *giggles*
Phelan-CoF-Phy-Adm reaches into his pocket pulling out several ring that are used for piercing other parts of the body and looks to the three girls
Phelan-CoF-Phy-Adm let me see he thinks as he looks them over
şāđįqũā~ÄŒôF~Ŗřş peeks to Master
alli-cat-CoF-ys blinks as she suddenly realizes that was the wrong pin that that one was tipped in ost poison she turns pale and backs away slowly
danica-Phelan-CoF-ws : hmmm, not sure what to do about ost poison 
danica-Phelan-CoF-ws : any advice?
Phelan-CoF-Phy-Adm reahes into his bag pulling out the salve of the PKs
Phelan-CoF-Phy-Adm then an antidote he has been working on
alli-cat-CoF-ys : ugh let see um right theres gots to be a antidote around here somewhere
şāđįqũā~ÄŒôF~Ŗřş watches Master 
Phelan-CoF-Phy-Adm reaches down gently appling the antidote
To ensure crystal clarity, I will repost the post that establishes the context:
alli-cat-CoF-ys blinks as she suddenly realizes that was the wrong pin that that one was tipped in ost poison she turns pale and backs away slowly
That that pin was tipped in ost venom is beyond dispute. There was no subsequent post that said anything to the contrary. Phelan provided a cure regardless. It is irrelevant that Phelan himself didn't say anything about ost venom. That it was ost venom had already been established. With ost venom a scratch is enough.
I know, Agrit, that you wish this issue would go away. Making outright lies about it, that can be so easily shown to be such, is not going to accomplish that. You simply managed to accomplish diminishing your own character by the attempt.
Perhaps you can reestablish some by removing your false claim and admitting the error of it.

I wish you all well.

2015-11-13 12:57:23 pm
apologies, Theiry* sorry typo there
2015-11-13 12:57:40 pm
well hell I give up and will put My glasses on now!
2015-11-13 2:30:12 pm
I intend to keep this Gor related blog at a higher standard that what I normally see here. If you wish to participate herein keep your posts cilvil and reasonably on target. If you wish to mock others you all have blog space of your own to do it in.