It seems that there is some creative reopening and reclosing of blogs today. Fortunately such is easy to deal with.
ThieryW says:
Warren? I feel obligated to listen when people who clearly are so full of themselves feel the urge to pontificate on subjects they clearly have no understanding of. Every time you feel the urge to open your pie hole and talk, nothing comes out except the same old crap as you've always belched out. Do us all a favor and finish your hold so you and your slave can go and be away in your own place and not inflict the bullshit you constantly vomit out like you're someone who knows all about all.
My response:
I'm not full of myself. I simply choose to say substantive things. That my comments may be repetitive is indicative of the same issues being discussed frequently. I'll open my hold when I'm good and ready. Regardless, said opening has nothing to do with my blog participation which will occur whenever I see fit. Though you state your opinion in the guise of many it is simply your own. Frankly I have no cause to put much weight on it.