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Where did Gor go?

Current Mood: Amused
ȻȺᵽn Ŧøꝁ (Toki, Splitbeard)
Male - 63 years old, Thassa, United States
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Single, not dating

Posted: 2019-05-29 2:17:39 pm Category General Viewed 401 times Likes 2

I've been in gor for twenty odd years. Long enough to have seen it die. It seems that all who are left are either in the shadows to avoid the accusations or people that accuse. The sad part is that Gor is not alone. Role play as a whole has dwindled too. The great raging wars between rooms have ended. The only warriors left have either moved on in life or sit and watch it crumbled.

 Now there are so few left in Gor that one liar can wreck it for any and all. What we used to call drama queens and petty princesses now seem to rule the roost. Those that didn't move on to become Social Justice Warriors and the ilk. It's sad really.

 Helisto has taken to using npcs as ground units. I doubt for malicious reasons. I would say it is for lack of real people. And fair enough.

 Gor has died. There was a time when rooms would get so full you could not keep up with text. We had to have people hold posts so girls could serve!  Now rooms sit empty. One wonders why they even pay for them. Is it in hopes of a return? That was my hope... I figure I am what? 4 years too late or 6? No matter.I have my few and will show them the old ways while the princesses play their games.


Previous Blog

2019-05-30 11:18:09 am
*Puts "Practice puns more" on his todo list.*
2019-05-30 3:07:00 pm
2019-05-30 4:18:57 pm
We need more Goreans back now