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In Freedom

Current Mood: Amused
ȻȺᵽn Ŧøꝁ (Toki, Splitbeard)
Male - 63 years old, Thassa, United States
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Single, not dating

Posted: 2019-05-30 5:25:23 pm Category General Viewed 185 times Likes 4

Rain tracing it's way into your eyes, you peer through as best you can. Holding the wheel, spinning it! Trying desprately to keep the ship pointed into the waves.

Great sails that once blew you to safe harbor now drenched by the squall and dragging you in to the gaping maw of the trough. "Come now girl!" You scream at the top of your voice fear ripping through your mind as wind rips your sails. Spinning again "hard ta port!" you bring the ship into the wave and climb to it's crest. "Come girly bring me home."

Fight the fear. Raise the rain and leap the swells! Fight to keep life in your lungs as waves break and cast you into watery wash! Again you spin the wheel the sails fill the ship screams as loud as you then... Calm...

Is it so different when girl looks to Jarl as when Jarl looks to the sky? Storms that rage and fill the Man with fear to His very soul. For it is not just He the ship must return home. It is A/all that trust her and love her and call her their own.