As America figures this all out, I'll be holding doors for strangers, letting people cut in front of me in traffic, saying good morning, being patient with sales clerks, and smiling at passersbys, as often as I am provided the opportunity. Because I will not stand idly by and live in a world where unconditional love is invisible. Join me in showing love to someone who may not necessarily deserve it, but who needs it. Find your own way to swing the pendulum in the direction of love. Be kind to a stranger today and everyday.
Copied from a friend who copied it from someone else, who copied from someone else. You are welcome to pass it on ..
I loved this post when i read it. It is how i intend to live my life, as i always have. i wear my heart on my sleeve. My family, my friends...i am very lucky lady to have them in my life. i still nod and say hello to strangers i pass on the street. i smile when i do. I assume the best of people until proven wrong. Angry at rush hour and traffic jams...occasionaly; i am human. But then i stop and ask myself "is my world going to collapse if i get there 5 minutes later then had planned. Is it worth getting so upset, worth the frustration and raise in blood pressure. And then i turn the music up, sing along (am sure looking like one of those we all laugh at when see on tv) and tell myself it gives me a little more time to enjoy the music. i have worked retail, and while some may be to blame for the slow moving lines, more are doing the best they can do. Give them a smile, a thank you. I end each transaction with "enjoy your day", or just "enjoy!" It is amazing how a smile, a friendly phrase can change someones day. i was 13, at a dance they had at a nearby beach, when a total stranger came up to me and said "i just wanted to tell you you have a great smile" and he walked away. i had never seen him before, never again but 50 years later i still remember that comment and it makes me smile and blush all over again. Simple things are often the best; and make the most impact in our days. spread the good. It will come back tenfold.