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Happy Birthday sis

Current Mood: Flirty
Female - Buzzen, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2017-11-17 3:55:38 pm Category Lifestyle Viewed 210 times Likes 0

Can't let today go by without wishing the best friend a girl could ask for a Happy Birthday! You know her as tender_dreamz... i know her as  'sis' as "my go to girl"  my confident and the one who has been through thick and thin together.    For over 10 years, we have laughed, cried, got in and out of trouble, and through it all we knew we could count on one another.     And we have.  When i truly want the truth, not a curt nod and smile of agreement, i know where to go.  Thank you for showing "online" is really no different then off.  You girl are one of a kind friend. 

Happy Birthday dreamzie!  Looking forward to sharing many many more in the future.



never let it be said i do not listen to you tender! You ask, i deliver.

no card, but here is the money you requested  ;)  You are welcome!Image result for foreign money

2017-11-17 4:02:49 pm
who is this 'tender dreamz' of which you speak??? and what trouble? hehehe!! my dearest s...words can't tell you how much you, and your crazy sense of humor, means to me!! It truly has been a joy having you in my world, sitting next to me, watching out for me...and even peeking over my shoulder now and then. Love you sooo much my friend. And thank you for this blog, but a card with money in it would have been great too! Ha!
2017-11-17 4:12:22 pm
Beautiful sentiments s, and a wonderful happy birthday to you,tender dreamz
2017-11-18 8:54:37 am
Smiles....thank you Mz~mela for the birthday greeting. and dear s....words fail me at Your generosity. ;)