Free Chat Rooms - Buzzen Chat


Current Mood: Flirty
Female - Buzzen, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2018-03-10 12:22:32 pm Category General Viewed 252 times Likes 3


Sometimes it is hard, anticipating the future... wondering where will lead, what will it bring.  Letting go of the past to look to the future can be hard to do. But it can also be exciting and wonderful; leading to new adventrues and discovering a new you that begins to emerge.

  Anticipation of days to come!

2018-03-10 2:53:25 pm
~smiles~ as always, your words tell a story, without telling!! i love it! *winks*
2018-03-11 8:45:32 pm
thank You mz Mela, very kind words from a very kind lady. Your presence is always appreciated.
2018-03-11 8:49:56 pm
dreamzie, I have learned from years of watching you and learning from example For now, will enjoy the anticipation of the newness and simply smile.