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Older Woman

Current Mood: Flirty
Female - Buzzen, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2018-05-25 5:24:37 pm Category General Viewed 373 times Likes 7

I had the best lunch out yesterday.   A friend came and met me on break from work which is always a great time. But this time, we were at a booth behind a group of about 6 young ladies..from about 19 to 25.   Across from us was a couple  i would guess to be about mid 40's.    Good looking couple,   she was taller, great shape, obvious she took care of herself.     Dressed in a summer dress mid thigh,  i am guessing was on lunch from work as well.  Refined, proper but attractive attire.  He was a good looking man about same age, dressed in a suit ...who obviously had eyes for noone but her.  They held hands across the table,  she never lost  her smile; a couple obviously who were in love.    It was after they left that the fun began.  The girls behind us watched out the window as they left; holding hands, quick kisses while walking to their car.    Then a longer, lingering kiss between cars before each getting in their own and driving away.    That is when the conversation started; girl #1 "omg! did you see them!  Can you believe people that OLD acting like that!  It's disgusting"  #2  "Did you see how she was dressed!  Doesnt she look in the mirror.  someone needs to tell her she is to old to be wearing something like that. "  #3  "i thought she looked good...they were sweet"     *All the others*  "Oh my God, are you kidding me! that is disgusting"  back to girl #1".  Can you imagine if they act like that in public, what are they doing in private!  I don't even want to think about it. Don't they realize some of us were trying to eat "     I was chuckling, then laughing, glad i had friend with me to cover my laughs, pretending it was something she said.     I so wanted to turn around and give them a talking, but i held back.    Girl #1 was obviously the most offended, her comments followed by " i am never gonna be able to stop seeing them in my head now, a good day has just been ruined.  I mean, can you imagine them having sex! i bet she is stretched and saggy outside that dress. How could he even want to touch someone like that"   #2  "i know , my sister had a c section and still insists on wearing a two piece, even with that giant scar.  At least it is not a bikini but still.  What is wrong wtih these old people"     #1 "There should be a law none over 30 can wear a two piece...and noone over 40 should be allowed to have sex. that is just wrong....and disgusting.  Why would any man want someone that OLD! "      I so wanted to turn around and comment.        Here is how i would answer your comments little girls (and sorry way you were talking ...if i am an "old lady" then yep, guess that would make you "little girls"     You have no idea what you have yet to learn.     I know, i was your age, and thought i knew.   But looking back, how naive i was.  She is not ashamed because she knows what you have yet to learn.    The scars, the pouch, they do not matter.   Someday you will  be 40, 50, 60...      and when that time comes i hope you look back and remember this conversation with your friends.   And laugh, and realize how foolish you much an "older woman' has to offer.  I could have turned around and spoke up and told you then but lets be real.. you would not have listened.  It was just a few mintues later this song came on over the  speakers ... i have to wonder if the staff was listening as well and somehow had control of the tunes. lol         Have always loved this song,   hope you enjoy as well

2018-05-26 11:12:19 am
It's one thing to think ignorant thoughts, its another thing to say them, and remove all doubt. I know how attractive and sensual you are, s, its not about age. If these girls live long enough, they will come to see things differently.
2018-05-26 12:09:14 pm
I call these young hot to trot wenches... prostitots... quietly in my head.
2018-05-26 1:05:23 pm
indeed they will Master, why I found it more amusing then anything else. Remember when we were young and the "don't trust anyone over 30" chant. They cannot see themselves as 40, 50's... but they will and suddenly one morning will look in the mirror and know what we know. I may complain about firming and loosing, but the essence of who I am... never. I love where my life has brought me, the woman I have become. I have learned not to doubt the woman I am. You helped with that.