Today is a day that something wonderful happen. Something that changed my life forever. This is the day that one of the most incredible woman i hae ever met was born! i knew her first as dreamz.... then tender dreamzie... later she changed many times in one way or another always dreamz in some version or another. To me though she will always be "dreamzie" we have shared so much...good and bad. She was there when i lost my first Master... we were not the close freinds we are now but she knew the hurt, and she showed compassion and reached out to me. Think that was the begenning of our friendship. And since then we have come so far.
When i became a grandmother for the first time... she was one of the first i called. Over time we each moved on with new Masters. and we were each thrilled for one another. She was/is my go to girl. When i need advice... real advice not sugary sweet say what i want to hear advice.. she is there and trust me she pulls no punches. But then i would expect nothing less from her. The first time we met. face to face... away from the internet (well most the time lol ) it was like we had always been face to face. There was no awkwardness, no long drawn out silences that made us uneasy It was meeting up again with an old childhood friend who had moved away.
We have been through birth of grandkids, graduations, birthdays, weddings and divorces. We have met in MN, multiple times, she has come here to my home, i have gone to Iowa to hers. A day of not talkingto her just seems off. Her mothers passing, my mothers passing, we were there to listen, to share in the lonliness of not having them to care for, to turn to. When my son and daughter got engaged, after famly she was the first i thought to tell. And poor girl has been listening to wedding and shower plans ever since. lol thats true friendship.
Happy Birthday Dreamzie! You are one of a kind, and i am a very lucky girl to call you friend. (no pun intended Lcky Sir lol )