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This woman & her reflection

Current Mood: Flirty
Female - Buzzen, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2018-12-04 12:39:13 am Category Lifestyle Viewed 879 times Likes 1



2018-12-05 8:30:31 pm
am glad You enjoyed Sana.
2018-12-05 8:33:01 pm
Thank You Sir Ulrich. You know the insanity my life became the last few months. But the fog is lifting, and am learning to smile again and truly finding myself again. And best of all, I am enjoying every day, every step of the journey; even the days when it is a battle to get out of bed and face the world; I am oh so glad as the sun goes down that I did. The best is yet to be....
2018-12-05 8:56:35 pm
as always...beautifully stated. and so very true. huggs to you my sis!