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from my perspective

Current Mood: Loved
amari☰H☰fg (amari, of Haigan)
Female - Gor, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2019-08-18 5:54:22 pm Category General Viewed 635 times Likes 13

I don't speak for other slaves, nor for my Master, nor for anyone other than myself.  I don't often post in the blogs, for my own reasons, as my attention is usually focused on my Master and our Home.  But this has been on my heart for several weeks.  This may end up being an expression both from the character and the typist...for that I ask for understanding.  There is a lot on my mind and this is the method I choose to get it out of that expansive space that, so often, seems way too overcrowded, even if no one else reads it.  That’s cool, too.


My perspective is of a person that is relatively new to Gor.  I wasn't around in the "good old days" of Gor - when it was thriving and exciting, an adventure for all that chose to participate.  I wish I had been!  I've heard much about it from various folks.  Maybe I'm unique in that I am one of very few around, from what I understand, that haven't had a former self, a previous character, reinvented or otherwise.  I'm a rarity in the genre online, I suppose, and still a "newbie" even after two years of literally daily interaction...655 days as of today, to be exact.  Oh yes, I know that the number may well pale in comparison to you, the reader.  I also acknowledge that, although I have struggled my way through about half the books so far, and strived to study and learn more of Gor each and every one of those days in one way or another, I have absorbed but a tiny rock upon the tip of the mountain of Gorean knowledge.


Still, there are a few basics I've learned...

Gor is a beautiful, savage, unforgiving place.

The single most important thing to remember about Gor?  It's all about Honor.

The Gorean Freeman is an individual, foremost, of honor and conviction.  He is the dominant species and the Leader, Protector and Cornerstone of the Home.

The Gorean Freewoman is to be respected, revered, and treasured to the highest degree.  Her position is one of prestige and status.  She is the Heart of the Home.

The Gorean slave is a beast, property of her Owner, or of the city in which she finds herself, whose duty is first and foremost to be pleasing in her service to the Free.  Like it or not, Gor does not exist without the foundation of slaves.

The Gorean kajira is a slave who is humble among slaves and whose heart and soul truly belongs to Gor.


Now, I pose a question I believe we might all ask of ourselves (no judgement here, by the way):
Am I fulfilling my chosen role according to these and other generally recognized customs?  

If You are a Freeman, are You acting in a way that is honorable and consistent and serves as an example to those of Your Home?

If You are a Freewoman, do Your words and actions, and yes, even Your behavior, reflect the status of Your role?

If you are a slave, or kajira, is your first priority the Free and do you exhibit a sincere desire, even an intrinsic need, to serve the Free?


My humble opinion is this...

A Freeman doesn't preen and bluster or bully and demean.  He understands that with great power comes great responsibility and temperance is a rare and valuable standard.  He speaks with confidence and dominance, not in a domineering way, but with foresight and good judgment.

A Freewoman should possess an elevated strength of character to be refrained and elegant in the presentation of Her being, visually and verbally, with appreciation of the freedom She possesses to express Herself and Her opinions in a wise and thoughtful manner.  Even an unconventional Freewoman (She-urts, Panthers, etc), should that be Your perception of Your chosen role, abides by the constraints of that particular role and Her peers within that role, if not traditional Gorean societal rules.

A slave, or kajira, serves the Free, not themselves.  They do not draw attention to themselves or behave in a such a way that detracts from the Free.  They are continuous and sincere in their effort to bring peace and ease to their Home.  They understand their role and revel in it, with sensuality, obedience and humility.

Of course, the aforementioned qualities above are generalizations that most certainly would be adaptive within various role-play scenarios.

I remember fondly my first few days on Gor.  I was anxious, fearful of the unknown, and curious.  I know some say that curiosity is not becoming of a slave, but without it, how would one even begin to learn to be a part of this vast and strange world?  Maybe wonderment is a better term?  I was certainly full of wonder.

I met some notable figures in my first few weeks here.  Beyond the Man who brought me to Vendara on that first day, I was honored to meet other Free, namely, Mistress Penelope…my first example of a Freewoman of Gor.  Also, Master Talarius, Master Aiken, Mistress Dahna, Sar Cabot, and eventually, Mistress Aneesha, along with a slave or two, whom all served as enlightening and educational examples, as well.  That was my introduction and it intrigued me enough to want to become a part of this world.  

Since that time, I have learned much.  I’ve seen the machinations and manipulations of others, grieved the loss of characters and friendships.  I’ve laughed and cried and experienced just about every emotion one could within this online medium.  I’ve come to admire the expressions of creativity in posted role plays, some from characters I know and others I’ve not met personally.  I’ve come to love Gor and even a few people within it…and One, in particular, deeply.

For all these reasons and more, I genuinely want the best for those I know and for this world that I enjoy and appreciate.  What I’ve witnessed lately…again, in my humble opinion…is a shell, a travesty and, frankly, an embarrassment.  Posts full of venom, negativity and childish speech.  It isn’t OUR best.  You want Gor to grow again?  To thrive?  To be enjoyable?  If I had witnessed then what I have witnessed lately, I never would’ve stayed.  Life is stressful enough, without putting up with shenanigans and diatribes and outright hatefulness in a place where we all come to relax.  Where did the Honor go?  I think WE can ALL do better, don’t you?

I’m not naive enough to think there is some magical solution to the ills we currently suffer within this Gorean community.  However, I do believe that there are some very bright, industrious people here.  There is a possibility of communication and constructive problem-solving.  One feasible solution, in my opinion, is both group and individual action.  Perhaps a commitment Home by Home to assure their citizens are conducting themselves in a way that honors their home and expecting individual accountability within the Home.  Sort of a “honor begets honor” approach. 

Beyond particular Homes, it is the responsibility of *every single Gorean* reading this.  It may require personal restraint, thinking before writing, putting yourself in the other person’s place.  No one person can change things on their own.  We…Free and slaves…all have to do our part.  I’m willing…are you?


OOC - If you have anything constructive to add or suggestions, please feel free to comment.  (I reserve the right to delete any negative comments...that isn't what this post is about and, with all due respect, I won't have it hijacked.)


2019-08-20 5:10:55 am
That is as good a starting point as any.
2019-08-20 5:15:33 am
I hope we can all find common ground here to reach an agreement and lay a new cornerstone on which to begin rebuilding, but honestly, I'm betting against that happening.
2019-08-20 5:18:53 am
A cast net does not catch all the fish.