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To my Master...

Current Mood: Loved
amari☰H☰fg (amari, of Haigan)
Female - Gor, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2019-11-26 4:05:00 pm Category General Viewed 396 times Likes 7

To my Master and the Man behind the Character,

Yes.  This.  I love You.  Always, unconditionally, devotedly and humbly. I am beyond grateful and honored to be Your girl.  

Thank You for Your protection and guidance and for the love and joy You have brought to my life. I am blessed to be, not just owned, but cherished. 

Happy Anniversary!

amaryllis and the woman behind her


2019-11-27 11:35:50 am
Thank You All.
2019-11-27 9:47:14 pm
congration to the both of may there like 50 more years of this again congration
2019-11-27 10:34:18 pm
Thank You all!