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Rightful PROOF that phelan cured ost posion

Current Mood: Depressed
AsyaLMHSVendara (Asya, *)
Female - 50 years old, Ontario, Canada
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Long-Term Relationship

Posted: 2015-11-13 2:30:26 am Category General Viewed 177 times Likes 0

It boils down to some very, very simple facts. Much like Warren Stated, certain parts were, as usual where Cos is concerned, omitted when Agrit of course, made His "decision on the validity of the scrolls". This is commonplace where the members of Cos are concerned, much like where phelan is concerned. I call it convenient, and selective, amnesia.

The facts are this. A slave, scratched another slave with a pin dipped in ost poison. The ost poison itself was clearly stated as being such. END OF DISCUSSION. And nowhere in any of the books as yet, is there ANY cure for this. not with a suction bulb, or salve of the PKs. Nor is it remotly valid that there was any antidote that was being worked on. That was convenient, and is an excuse for them, to excuse what the physician did.

As for questioning why alli posted the scroll. That is really easy to explain. she was TOLD to, and did strictly as she was told. PERIOD. YOU do not have the say in what she,, MY slave, does or does not do. I told her to do it, she did. she also faced a severe punishment at the time of the poisoning (not that it matters now because she is not a part of that home, and is owned). Had that scroll come from anyone, especially Myself it would have been called a fake. However it is very real. Two of the slaves involved are still active in Gor now. The other, to My knowledge is long gone. 

Once again, Agrit, and/or Manon, have decided that THEY and only they, have the final say on what is valid, and what is not, in all of Gor. That none of the rest of Us have enough sense to see the scrolls of incidents, and make a judgement of our own. That in the end only THEY can determine who and what is right in all of the Homes, in all of Gor. Well they do not run MY Home. Nor do they run MY slaves. They run Cos, and only Cos. Not Ven'dara, not HSH, not Lydius nor anywhere else. It is past time that both realised this, and were clearly shown that Gor stands for itself. Each Home, each City, each Hold, run by its OWN Owners and council. 

HSH has not recognized phelan as a physician for a VERY long time. To each their own but I believe that he has shown his own flaws, and that it is sufficient enough to not be trusted. HSH also has a Healer. One who did test with Someone. Not claimed it out of spite. And has proved more than once, more than 10 times, They know what to do in most any situation, including having a Friend die, because the injuries were simply too severe. Not biased to keep them around. But clinical, honest and right.

EVERYTHING that was "claimed" in the months before now by members of Cos, specifically against Me, is completly invalid. It came from lies and twists on the plain and simple truth. Because the TRUTH did not fit what they wanted to say. So it got turned, and twisted, and changed. to suit THEM. Funny how that happens so often. Regardless, in the end, it is over.

I am sure, somehow, they will find yet another "excuse' and twist on things in order to try and make the original claim valid. In order to silence Me and get rid of Me. Not going to happen. I will continue to stay strong. And I will continue to fight. And at least I can tell the truth. If I have done wrong, I admit it. I face the person I wronged, and I take the consequences. I, unlike others, have never made a claim at perfection. I am human. I make mistakes but I always own up to them.

To EVERYONE who has stood back, read through everything presented, and seen where the real screw ups and lies were, thank Y/you. Each of Y/you are at least decent enough to see it ALL and make your own decisions. Not accept the falsehoods and omissions in things by others, and believe them like gospel.

To anyone who cannot be bothered to look at the truth, I am sorry for Y/you. Because it makes you so much less, and lessens your value in this realm.

To those of Cos,, give it up already, We are all tired of your holier than thou crap, And are not taking it anymore. And I do not recommend ever trying to make a claim that I am ANYONE's slave again. Because it simply is untrue. You want to TRY and get Me? Come for Me yourselves! Hiring it out is pathetic. As you can see, NOBODY fell for that bait. Do it yourself, or drop it.

To My Home. ALL of You. Thank You all for supporting Me through all of this, For standing up for Me, and for staying quiet through the lies. Even though I KNOW how many wanted to go hunting!!! We sat back, waited it out and as the saying goes, "the truth shall set you free". Once again, it has. I appreciate the love, forever.

Finally (and this one shocks even Me) to Grym. NEVER did You, of all people, ever have to see through the bull, and support Me in My claim of honesty. You did. I guess because You have seen me stand up and admit My wrongs, several times. You stunned Me by standing up for alli and for Me. You have shown Yourself to be a decent, and true, Man. Thank You.

I am, and will REMAIN

The Lady Asya, of course. 


2015-11-13 3:42:12 pm
honestly though that was a last resort for me.
2015-11-13 3:57:43 pm
The point is you roleplayed it out and didn't go poof yoh are dead.
2015-11-14 1:40:44 pm
Having one Gor is not a solution as Gor itself is not homogenous. The most one could hope for while remaining somewhat true to the source is the standardization of those elements used to transform Gor from the fixed, observational to the dynamic, participatory. Anything beyond that and you start to encroach on the every man is an Ubar in his own home thing.