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OK.. just WOW

Current Mood: Depressed
AsyaLMHSVendara (Asya, *)
Female - 50 years old, Ontario, Canada
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Long-Term Relationship

Posted: 2016-06-16 12:13:08 pm Category General Viewed 282 times Likes 2

This is from the typist of Asya... aka KIM. I am 1, a Human being. 2, yes a Gorean Free Woman and LifeMate to one of the most incredible Men I have ever known, HomeSword. 3, a slave owner. THIS POST WILL BE ABOUT A NUMBER OF THINGS. TAKE THEM AS YOU WILL HOWEVER IT IS NOT SPECIFIC TO GOR AND IS NOT INTENDED THAT WAY.

I see SO many random acts of cruelty, or hiding behind a context of demanding that everyone listen to YOU and YOUR ways , simply because they carry a specific name. That said, a number of people carry ONE name in chat, regardless of whether they are in a Gorean room, a D/s room or a trivia room. Let Me repeat this,, MANY CARRY ONE NAME. Novel concept, I am sure, to some that a person, living in whatever capacity in rt, vanilla, slave, Dom/Domme, cuckold, puppy, kitty, little or  frigging Vampyric, is also, at days end, a human being. With thoughts, feelings, emotions. EVERYONE has them people! And EVERYONE is entitled to express them, regardless of where or how. The blogs in this site rrange from different languages, to different beliefs, religions, and random notes of pure thought. Simply basing Your retorts, and ignorance or viciousness, towards ONE persons blog just because their name is in a specific fashion, is rude, wrong and in the end, a form of bullying. To do so, just to make Yourself look higher, mightier, more knowledgable, or just to try and tear that other person to shreds emotionally, is simply put, ignorant and cruel. I have had this done to Me, a number of times, by people who thank GOD are not around here anymore. Now why was it done? Simple, the same reason it is still being done by others who seeemingly have jumped into the place vacated by them, just because it makes You feel better about Yourself.

I am of the opinion that ALL human beings have the right to Free Speach. The right to think, express that thought, in whatever way they can! And I also know, for Y/you Goreans out there, that slaves are NEVER permitted to hide their thoughts or feelings from their Owner.. this is actually very much a D/s M/s protocol, to all of us who live this full time. Why then, should EVERY person have to put a disclaimer on a blog entry,, just to keep the predators away from ripping them to shreds??? Does this have to be like, a rule, to please the masses? NO I think not.

I think, unless it is titled as a Gorean rp blog, or thought, or scroll, it should really be taken as,, someone was expressing themselves in a manner they felt they could. WITHOUT being attacked, bullied or threatened for doing so! And I honestly do not give a rats ass if that person is a Gorean Free, a D/s Dom/Domme, a sub or slave. Or whatever else you choose to be in this world. And I do not think that simply because their name is a certain way, that gives Everyone else the absolute right to jump on them and attack! Can we all pause, to think that there are typists behind a screen name? And that, as I already stated, S/some people have 1 account, 1 nam, and as thus when they write it will be under that ONE name? And stop being so judgemental or holier than thou about every damn detail? Stop picking that person apart based upon the name they are writing under? Why can we not, as human beings, actually attempt to support one another, once in awhile? Sincerly, with the tragedies in this world,, the mass shootings, bombings, and other horrors going on, this is meant to be an escape. A place where all of us can come, and be together, and on occasion, have a bit of fun times (shocking huh?).

I think this is something we ALL need to sit back and think about. Remember, Judge NOT lest YE be judged! Try and put yourself in the other persons shoes, for even the briefest moment in time. Try thinking about what you are doing before hitting that enter key. And TRY to take into account all I have said. Maybe, try being kind to each other for a change. It really does make YOU feel better too!!!

I am certain, that there will be a specific portion of People with ignorant and nasty remarks to all of this. But maybe this will get through to one or 2 of Y/you and make you think about some things.

Have a blessed and peaceful day A/all!

P.S. it is hysterical to Me how fast some people are at jumping all over a slaves post, but when it comes to something like this, there is,, "the sound of silence".. lol carrying on now!!!

2016-06-16 3:21:21 pm
Asyaaaaaaaaa!!!! It's me (sugaree), your old pal!! How on earth are you??? Good blog post luv, but when are ya gonna learn to stop tryin to be logical/rational when it comes to dealin with folks in chat???...hahaha! Especially ones where it seems their egos are larger than their IQ's.....oops, did i type that out loud? i too shall be accused of being a disrespectful brat...blah blah blah (as if i care, huh?) oh wait, i'm not a Gorean, so it's all good! hope all is well!
2016-06-16 5:35:43 pm
Dam Aysa You nearly made sense ! not a bad post
2016-06-16 6:26:29 pm
sugareeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! well holy shit chikita!!! LOL meh I at least make an attempt to try to be logical!! it fails miserably at time sbut others,, it actually gets through to people!! miss you sweet thing!
2016-06-16 6:27:28 pm
LOL Judas, thank You kindly!! It made sense to Me, however it won't to some,, of a particular Home.,, and honestly IDGAF lmfao
2016-06-16 6:31:19 pm
Yeah what Judas said! Lol
2016-06-17 1:23:55 am
Its the keyboard warriors (not related to warriors of Gor, less the cap or indeed sword fits) who sit there behind screens acting all high and mighty yet do nothing to incite positivity or growth in Gor or any other realm they proclaim to "live"....just saying.
2016-06-17 9:11:31 am
I couldnt agree more Auralee,, generally I refer to people liek that,, in ALL chat reals,, as Keyboard Cowboys,, great for maybe an 8 second ride of tantrum and blowing smoke up somes rear en just to make them look better, not much use after that tho!
2016-06-17 10:30:11 am
well this is a first you made sense Asya and i agree..well done
2016-06-17 12:10:32 pm
umm thanks,, I think, Robak .. believe it or not I often make sense, it is a matter of whether anyone bothers to read it in context, or not. I appreciate the comment however and thank You again
2016-06-17 6:53:49 pm
Dear Asya, I agree your post makes sense. However, what I do not agree with is, is that recently in gor there has been a gagling of disrespectful slaves who act like total brats running around...trying to dictate gor and how it goes, and what is acceptable and how its is not acceptable blah blah get my drift I think. I have even had such run in's with your own personal slave before, where she could not address the free properly. So this is my point (cont)
2016-06-17 6:55:43 pm
when your slave, posts blogs, with a gorean name (and does not clarify that she is not posting in gor..yes she corrected it after) comes across that she is simply another who as not learned her place. Yes, slaves are not permitted to keep anything from their owner I get that..but slaves are also accountable for their actions in gor, just as we, all FW are.
2016-06-17 6:56:27 pm
I would suggest..if she does not want negativity and so own..maybe she should reflect on how she represents herself..and you in public.
2016-06-17 7:25:18 pm
In the words of a wise gorean woman (no this quote is not from Me) " I see a lot of complaints in blogs by slaves who realize slavery is harder than they thought. Instead of putting all that in the public blog, why not take it to her Owners in the first place?"
2016-06-17 8:28:21 pm
what the hell is this FW making sense: Well said B. Ladies this is the best FW Gor blog I have seen in ages.
2016-10-30 5:17:28 pm
looks up from my coloring, arches an eyebrow, yawns and goes back to coloring without ever uttering a word.