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A Memorial for WinterWolf

Current Mood: Depressed
AsyaLMHSVendara (Asya, *)
Female - 50 years old, Ontario, Canada
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Long-Term Relationship

Posted: 2017-09-15 11:13:13 am Category Lifestyle Viewed 298 times Likes 3

As many of You know by now, WinterWolf has passed into the City of Dust. Another tragic loss to cancer.

As His only remaining Family I am announcing a Memorial for Him. It has taken Me several days to determine where to hold this, and in fact whether to do so at all.

The Memorial will be held in HomeSword's Hold. It will begin this Sunday, Sept. 17 and run through Monday Sept. 18.

The MAIN Service will be Monday, September 18 at 10pm EST (9 CST, 8 GMT)

The Hold will be open for Any, Fre eor slave, who wish to say goodbye. To toast the Man, the Warrior, He was. 

I ask that ALL drama be left at the doors. IT WILL NOT BE TOLERATED IN ANY WAY.

Please remember that this is about WW, NOT anyone else or their squabbles. Start anything and you WILL be sent out the door.

Please watch for the Hold to open. Drinks and food will be prepared and available on the long tables in the Great Hall. 

There will be no public reading of His will. Nobody outside of Family are entitled to know anything contained within it.

Thank You all, for the kind words that have been sent to Me already. 

See You this weekend.

2017-09-19 10:51:58 am
A huge thank Y/you to those that sent gifts for the service or were able to attend last night and the night before. May it bring Y/you the closure Y/you need. I'm sure His spirit will rest in peace now.
2017-09-19 10:56:57 am
thank you alli for that thank Y/you to those that did make the trip into the Hold to pay their respects, I cherish the memories. and I appreciate the thoughts and well wishes that were sent to Me. WW You will be missed.