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Current Mood: Dirty
Male - 39 years old, United States
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Divorced

Posted: 2017-08-19 6:25:02 am Category General Viewed 206 times Likes 3

Some things about me.

I am Intuitive; using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning; instinctive.

I am Perceptive; having or showing keenness of insight, understanding, or intuition.

I have Hyper-Empathy; Direct identification with, understanding of, and vicarious experience of another person's situation, feelings, and motives.

I am and always have been astounding at knowing when people are lying to me. It matters cause I can't stand it. I do my very best to not lie at all unless I absolutely positively must do so. I have little faith in anything due to the fact that I question everything and find holes and doubts in pretty much everything. I do however believe I share many traits with what the spiritual, paranormal, psychological, what-have you label would say is an Empath.

- A general tendency to put your needs last, or serve others at your own expense.

- Feeling responsible for how other people feel – and going out of your way to help them to feel better (even when it doesn’t serve you.)

- Finding yourself often in a counselling role, where people dump their emotions on you, and being very drained by it.

- An emotional over-identification with characters in novels, films and plays. It doesn’t matter that they’re not real – you can still feel how they felt.

-A liking for distance in relationships, and for solitude. This occurs because as an Empath, intimacy and closeness is your default. But when you don’t know how to stop yourself from exploring other people, you need some space on your own, where you aren’t around other people.

- An inability to stop yourself from taking on the hardships and feelings of everyone around you as your own, creating intense feelings of being overwhelmed on a near constant basis.

That was a lot of stuff, most people haven't read it all or skimmed just a bit. Basically in short....DON'T FUCKING LIE TO ME. I know, I always know, 99% of the time I won't say you're lying because social contracts of general populace require peace not confrontation. I will feel disrespected, I will not respect you. I will actively remove you from my life to avoid those feelings.

2017-08-23 12:33:29 pm
I don't generally come to this section of the site but I stumbled across this and felt I should acknowledge it. It's nice to see you have a deeper profound side. It's a cruel irony that empaths feel so much and absorb it to their own detriment overlooking their own needs in the process. Take care my friend, be well.
2017-08-23 9:49:08 pm
Much more to my story than the shit head spewing nonsense in chats ;)
2017-10-08 1:12:09 am
Lying is such a monumental waste of time and energy

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