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ƁyţćⱨĄɱy's Profile

Current Mood: Surprised
Female - 43 years old, Portland, United States
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Long-Term Relationship

Updated: 2016-11-01 1:00:13 am Viewed 2,141 times Likes 4

I am Asexual meaning, I have the lack of sexual attraction to anyone, or low or absent interest in sexual activity. As a person I like to think of myself as confident but not overly. I'm a very humble woman. I understand that there's a time to give and be loving and understanding. I also believe in standing up for what I believe and not being walked on. I'm always there for my friends and loved ones. I don't run from adversity. I care what people think of me because I believe in being the best woman I can be. I want people who come across me to think "hey what a sweet girl". It's not about attention for me. It's about the importance of ones own honor and respect for those around her.


I was on TNT tv show Leverage, my photos of me on set in profile along with photos of my two scenes, heres link to see me in my scenes.

The Frame-Up Job

Christmas With The Dead the movie I was in now has a trailer heres the url