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~Alina~'s Blog

2022-08-25 8:35:48 pm by ~Alina~ in category RolePlay
This weekend the The Lair will be open for Gorean RP . Newcomers , Old-timers ,Goreans of all makes and models are welcome . Our favorite Panther and some other faces will be there , Come on in and get your RP on ... Zones you ask ? What are those ?   *stabs the rence paper into a tree and brushes my fingers free from the writing stick dust * Posted as requested .  A 
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659 7
  • Account Deleted: Sorry I missed this.
  • Dalamar: >.>
  • AuraleePg: Its safe for all to visit Madie, we are trying to have some decent roleplay and just all hang out...
  • MadieV~PHY~Gor: Tal, Auralee and Alina! Wow, it's nice to hear that the Lair will be alive. And it's great to see...
  • AuraleePg: If we can build enough roleplay I will upgrade the room to be a perm fixture on Buzzen and change...