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mindee~fg~Scythes~SE's Blog

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Private   2017-09-08 9:35:36 pm by mindee~fg~Scythes~SE
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2017-09-05 3:58:53 pm by mindee~fg~Scythes~SE in category Writing
My eyes have seen the tear drops fall, The pain the hurt they scream it all, Walking down memory lane,  There's nothing left nothing but pain. The shadows caress my souless eyes, The pain the hurt I always denigh. I walk down a lonely path, I hear the echos of the past, They  scream my name they scream it loud. Can you fix me can it be found, The love...
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2017-09-05 3:30:12 pm by mindee~fg~Scythes~SE in category Writing
The darkness falls The shadows call Follow me Death may be closer than you think. The pain is real The pain I feel As others push me twords insanety. I call there names There not around No Love, No friendship can be found. I walk alone within a world of the Unknown.
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