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I smell a russian rat.

Current Mood: Buzzenated
Fєɱɱє (*, *)
Female - 35 years old, *, France
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2017-01-12 2:39:45 am Category Entertainment Viewed 341 times Likes 0

Quote Of The Moment:  
The problem with making assumptions is that we believe they are the truth.  We misunderstand.......we take it personally.........then we react by sending emotional poison with our word.  This creates a whole big drama for nothing. ~~~~Unknown


Lately I have been reading a certain chatters profile and have noticed a very strong presence of denial running throughout the diatribe on the profile.

Now it strikes me that when someone goes to great lengths to tell you they are a private person, repeating themself many times, it gives the reader pause to ponder why is this person so vehemently defending their privacy. We all to some degree value and guard our privacy, nobody but the foolish would hand out too much information, so I have to question just why is this particular chatter so vocal about preserving their identity? Why is there seemingly a white knuckled death grip on their privacy?  Just what is it they have to hide? The ironclad privacy surrounding this chatter is in my opinion just another means to control the people whom they are decieving. Perhaps they have been using fake pics, and fake information and are afraid of being found out? In my opinion, the anonymity the internet provides, should also allow for a greater transparency where chatters can be anyone they want to portray, they should also be able to amplify their attributes and minimise their flaws, and not as this chatter is doing by completely disguising their true self. This is my speculation based on my observations of this chatter anyway, there will be a deception going on, a sleight of hand like a magician that screams catfish.

As you read further into this same chatters profile, they mention that only the closest of friends will ever get to learn their true self. Which is a very clever manipulation of making the so called close friend feel extra extra special, so darn special that they have been included *nay* selected to become a part of the enclave only the elite chosen few may see into. Do you see where this is going? This chatter has elevated themself to the position of excellence, bestowing friendship sparingly to an elite group that can then enter their private life. Whoever falls for this bullshit is a fool, you are only being drawn in *close* as a means to control the deception. You will be made to feel so special, part of such a wonderful group, who in all likelihood is so secret that others in this same group won't even know they are in this group, furthermore, those involved wouldn't even dare to question or share any tidbits of information being shared anyway. This is called triangulation, keeping people circling providing cover and credibility who will be totally unaware of any other players existence and this further bolsters the deception from within.

My final observation is this, if rumors and gossip are the lingua franca of chatrooms, then this chatter certainly has a few stories swirling around them. Why else would they need to deny the existence of them, then feign to laugh at them. If rumors and innuendo isn't even a factor, why acknowledge them at all? As a cynical chatter whenever I read that the chatter is laughing about these rumors, it's a dead cert that someone has come forward or has threaatened to expose the chatter and this has prompted an *ALL OUT DENIAL*. Now coupled with some pithy deflecting usually the denial will contain some form of *just get a life* instruction to the invisible rumor mill OR cries of *creepy stalker* This activity is called the double blind and if employed at all, seldom works to the chatters advantage, it highlights their feeble attempts at denial.

I'm sure there are many more of these fakes out there, so lets be vigillant guys and gals, lest we too become one of those who are taken in because we didnt use critical thinking.


Previous Blog

2017-01-16 11:57:31 pm
Stalker much ... maybe its a case of too many people trying to put their noses into someone's business and when they don't get the answers they seek the stir up the rumor mill
2017-01-17 3:21:14 am
It's unfortunate that you of all people commented on this when I've read your remarks regarding people who use pics that might not belong to them. Were you being a good citizen then too, or just stirring the shit? Seems to me, unless you can prove the identity of the chatter like error says, 90% of chatters use images they are not the owners of. I challenge you prove him or me wrong about this one?
2017-01-17 3:49:26 pm
First you are talking to me as if you know anything about me, yet we have never really had a conversation of any kind, nor are we friends or anything. I posted here because you are targeting someone who actually is my friend and that I care about. You are claiming here the person is using pics that aren't her. Can you prove that? Have you found her pics on other sites or matches using tineye or google images? The post in the forums you pointed to is a completely different situation. (continued)>
2017-01-17 3:51:54 pm
The situation I posted about there was one in which the person in their profile actually admits that the pic is not them and someone else and I didn't think it was right, I thought Buzzen should of removed the pic. I didn't need to prove anything there, the person them self confessed right there in the profile. You are the one making the accusations here so the burden of proof is on you for your claims above. Otherwise it's harassment of a host in OM and you should be banned.
2017-01-17 3:54:53 pm
Seems your are following some of us a bit too closely and are not in the room to chat at all but to watch and log and whatever else. All this (especially the blog and how much time you seem to have spent on this) screams jealousy. Is the chatter you talk about in the blog perhaps talking to a guy you have a thing for? If he is giving her more attention than you think he should, then your issue is with him but not the person referred to in your blog.
2017-01-17 3:55:44 pm
If I accuse someone of using fake pics then I already have the proof and will issue it no problem. But policing of all that is Buzzen's area of operations, not mine.
2017-01-17 7:05:45 pm
Hmmm ... had one other thought. How is it that you were able to bring up that it was I who made that post on the forums? A post that was made like 7 months ago. None of this all sits right with me and now I suspect you are not who you claim to be, but possibly someone else who actually knows me some (not well but enough to know me by chat nickname and perhaps have read that post, which you obviously did)and is also hiding behind this "Femme" profile for some reason. Not cool at all.
2017-01-17 7:18:27 pm
Vincent, please don't bother. Its sad that a total stranger, someone I don't even know has stooped to this level. So you question my to Papa Wolf, we actually met for coffee. I hope this is enough to sooth your suspicious mind. If not, we'll too bad for you.
2017-01-17 9:59:20 pm
Seems I hit a nerve. Perhaps Cowboys exhibits a bit too much care and concern yet claims only to be friends. My identity is not in question, as Cowboys has rightly pointed out, I keep to myself, speak to very few, mind my own business, make no claims to be anything or anyone. Correct, I read the forum and yes it was a long while ago but my memory is strong and my recall even better. You're pushing a peanut uphill, I didn't out the chatter in my post, merely highlighted my suspicions.
2017-01-17 10:08:28 pm
What's even sadder is Sasha outted herself by contributing to this blog and issuing this denial. Truly all this furore over a blog about an unnamed chatter? Sadder still is the use of a third party's name being dropped to create validity, read my original post about triangulation tactics, anyone can be the victim of a manipulative mastermind. I'm not appeased or placated by your continued denials, too bad for you.
2017-01-17 10:43:48 pm
Hit a nerve? No. Called my integrity into question yes, so yeah I had some thoughts on the matter. As far as my level of concern/care, that is between my friends and myself. Not pushing anything, just speaking my mind. Other than friends what are you implying I am? Sasha was just pointing out that she has met Wolf face to face, since you seem to doubt she is who she says she is. I guess thats only a problem if you doubt his identity as well. Nothing to do with triangulation lol
2017-01-17 10:47:23 pm
And you say "I keep to myself, speak to very few, mind my own business" ... writing this blog as you have is completely the opposite of what you say. And just to keep the score straight, this is all based on the public blog you wrote, not some private entry in a diary somewhere that noone else can see. "My identity is not in question" ... um actually I am questioning your identity because obviously you and I have had some convos or emails or something under some other alias of yours.
2017-01-17 10:49:35 pm
Unnamed chatter?? lol .... you directly quote Sasha's profile, verbatim. Sack up and quit with the bullshit lol ... on a side note they should allow more characters in these comments so I can say more in less boxes
2017-01-17 11:45:34 pm
I will write what I want, when I want, where I want. Free speech is not solely the right of you americans, you know this right? I didn't call your integrity into question, no sir I didn't, you commented, as was your right to on a public blog, as you pointed out, and I simply replied. Seven posts later you're still flexing that muscle even after Sasha herself played her sanctimonious *all out denial* card.
2017-01-18 12:00:16 am
Sure go ahead and do so, it is your right, but its also fucked up. When you said "Were you being a good citizen then too, or just stirring the shit? " .... sure sounded like you called my motives into question, thereby my integrity. So yes you did. There is no muscle flexing here as I have no power over you nor any illusions in my head to that effect. I guess I too am just using my right to free speech, the difference is I am not full of crap nor am I slandering anyone without proof.
2017-01-18 12:00:30 am
On this issue I have no trouble articulating myself clearly within the characters allowed. Perhaps this will sum up the way I feel about this blog. Quote of the Moment. We subject all facts to a prefabricated set of interpretations. We enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." ~ John F. Kennedy
2017-01-19 8:39:53 pm
I wonder what it signifies when the pic is replaced? Nervous perhaps?
2017-10-25 3:52:01 am
no comment, I stay away from the discomfort of thought
2017-10-25 9:05:05 pm
I find it interesting that your blog has 6, count them...6, posts about what a phony someone is. How they hide behind fake pictures and demands that they have their privacy respected. I think you may have an obsession with this chatter. Perhaps instead of concerning yourself with what ever delusions you have manifested about them, you work on you. People with true character, help people up...not put them down. Something for you to think about.
2017-10-26 6:21:47 am
"I think you may have an obsession with this chatter. Perhaps instead of concerning yourself with what ever delusions you have manifested about them, you work on you." The hippocrisy of this statement is astounding. Did you not just cast a judgement of me by saying I had an obsession? Then further compounding it with alleging I have delusions and offering the unsolicited advice "help people up,..not put them down" Have you spent any time reading my post? I offer ideas, concepts, systems....
2017-10-26 6:27:49 am facilitate critical thinking of the situation I outlined, I merely gave people food for thought. "Great minds discuss ideas, Small minds discuss people" Theoretically I could have been discussing any number of chatters, the lady outted herself, I have not once named her. Even you, knew who I meant, so perhaps I was right...hmm?