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Current Mood: Blank
iseult~His forever (iseult, His forever)
Female - *, United States
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2018-11-17 6:45:54 pm Category RolePlay Viewed 251 times Likes 1

I am afraid.  Of everything.  Life in the gardens seemed so easy.  I hadn’t realized how much I’d learned there.  It had never seemed like a chore.  But now… 

There’s so much I don’t know.  I used to know what I needed to.  How to sew.  How to cook (though admittedly that still needs some work).  How to clean.  How to read and write (though there are still so many words I do not know). 

I never knew how to dress a man.  How to clean his weapons.  How to please him in the furs.  How to provide relief when his cock swelled.  I had never known men even existed.   

Perhaps I was better off for it.  I remember Master Burl once telling me that whatever fate had awaited me in Thentis, it would have been far worse than I could have imagined.   

What is worse than being alone?  My thoughts wander often to Ilithia.  I wonder if she misses me as much as I miss her.  Does she look at the stars, pointing out their hidden pictures to another now?  Or does she think of the time we had. 

I am inept in this new life.  Perhaps that is why Master Burl tried to kill me.  And why my Jarl is often away on business.  Or maybe it’s because I am a substandard reminder of a slave he once loved.

I hear the crackling of a fire.  I’m cold.  I think I forgot to fill the woodboxes…

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