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story dance by ebediyet

Current Mood: Content
dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ ( always dreaming bigger & better), Bashirs pet)
Female - 43 years old, City of Port Olni, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single

Posted: 2019-08-24 9:43:28 pm Category RolePlay Viewed 505 times Likes 1


~~moves slowly hearing a song whisper within the mind's eye as she passes time humming softly with it fingertips slowly caress over tan flesh as she peeks over a creamy shoulder as if to say, "come hither!" to her Jarl as if he was there with nothing but the most impure delights wafting through the sparkle of impish gaze practicing moves for what may later come...

~~ feels the
WHOOSH of a Tarn's wing and drops to a knee reaches out in disbelief as a silent SCREAMMMMM wrecks pure horror from her as she looks up at the sky full of Tarnsman's astride their aerial steeds nets in hand! jumps up and thrashes the air chasing away the death birds as if they were really there!...

~~fights them off! jumping about as if she lifts right out of the sands like a mere rabbit snatched in the talons of a the huge bird of prey back arched and arms and limbs limp in lift off escapes the clutches only to stumble upon the sands and jumps again!! dodging the claws of the mighty feathered fiends!!...

~~leaps with victory! throwing a winner's punch and jumps for joy as she survives the fly by! cusses them for all they are worth! "You can't have this girl you filthy BEASTS!!!" half meaning the Tarns and half the Men upon them! "HOOTS!!!" dances a victory dance as if she just won a tavern brawl! crazed steps of pure exuberance and high spirits spin as she bucks and kicks like a wild kailla "ai aaiiiiiiiieeee!!!" darts away evading a phantom net tossed down to the ground by her!...

~~kicks and eludes as limber back bends and she scolds at the imaginary men! drops to the sands and rolls upon their fallen net giving a two shot salute of a kicked foot tossing the web confines of the tormenting raiders high in the sky! rises up with a haughty display as if to say,
"You can't touch this!" A sass in a toss of raving ringlets and flick of saucy hips she mimics words on silent lips "You can't have this!!"...

(that's right, she said it) insolent beast moves with a mocking tone tossing tresses arrogantly as she struts about like a blue ribbon beast at the Sardar anger flares in each step huffs of distressed breath escapes the bond breaks out claws as she scratches trails of red hatred lashing over tender flank turning to show it off as if to dare to come tangle with this she-beast! "she'll rip You to shreds if You try it again!! "Harrumphs!" with a toss of a golden head...


~~steps to the side arms arching like a bow the body of a beast a weapon of movement wars fought over such delicacies as a prized piece of flesh trails a warm palm down between ample mounds over the tone belly of a slave pet caressing the slave breast as she cups a hand over sleek meat thrusts breasts outward and arches with a superior shimmy tossing hands as if to say 
"Be gone!"...

"damn straight" she leers beneath riled breath a BRAZEN whisper spoken so low so that no one might hear sings softly with the melody that plays within her head "oh, pilot of the storm who leaves no trace like thoughts inside a dream heed the path that led me to that place." a distant tarn screams as they seek other pray playing out the after-the-fact bravery of a delusional daydream she gives a little strut upon the white softness...

~~twirls about with gleeful delight blurting out!, 
"girls Jarl would soar down in a whirlwind and take her back to his Hold beneath the summer moon!" toes trace a circle within the white softness as the blonde haired slave swirls within the dusty sands little plumes of white dust dance around bare foot as she triumphantly spins within the dance pit...


~~celebrates! leaps within the air and jumps and spins body a festivity of feminity as she jovially juts through the sands a PROUD bond to be HIS Owned by a STRONG Jarl a wonderful Man! blurts out to phantom raiders in empty skies "he'll burn your city down!" she laughs with terrible wicked laughter as she leaps through the air all doughty and defiant!...

~~ elated to be owned by Jarl Onak of Hunger Isle  she preens within the white sandy softness...aloof and elegant moves of pure pristine and exceptional control she prances like a prized bitch from the cream of the crop of slave houses! balances on a single foot, she arches to the epitome of poised grace and and sees the the Owner
(Jacobed) of Tavern of the Red Silk Tavern he had been watching her all along as she danced...he looks down to her...

~~spins around and turns white as a ghost sees as she sees his stone cold gaze
"Master?" she whispers shocked! insolence witnessed she cringes game over she knows she's toast without even being told she slips fingertips beneath golden ringlets brushing them aside and lowers as whimpers already start to whisper melts in agony to the ground and clutches her belly back bared for the unforgiving whip of His leather dominance caught bond she whispers "ebediyet begs mercy, Master."...