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silly serve of mead for the Mistress

Current Mood: Content
dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ ( always dreaming bigger & better), Bashirs pet)
Female - 43 years old, City of Port Olni, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single

Posted: 2019-09-02 7:23:13 pm Category RolePlay Viewed 386 times Likes 0


~~haveing heard the call for mead from the Jarl to get the visiting Mitress...she replies "yes Jarl mead" she rises and crosses the garden a bit stumbling and swerving after all the tesitng of paga she has done this day she is a bit light headed...(okay intoixicated)...

~~wanders aimlessly in the kitchen...looking for the muggss...looking high and low...(now where did the little kitchen twat put the muggs....oh...there they are)...reaching to take down a dainty little mug that will nicely grace the sweet lips of the Mistress...taking it down...thinking of the tender flesh to check for cracks...(ummmm why the %@&? is she doing this the muggs should of been checked when they were washed)...she scrugs her shoulders...slowly and with a grimace on her face...rubs the rim around the sensitive part of her wrists...sighing a huge sigh of relief (wheww)...and polishes the rim with a rep cloth...stubs her toe on a bench on her way to the mead kettle and cusses (%#&@*)...

~~lifting the pot lid...SCREAMING!! a vile Gorean word...(%#&@*)...slings the HOTT lid across the kitchen...looking at the kettle with a snarl on her pink plump lips...takes the ladel and dips out a portion into the dainty mug...jumping around as the hot mead overfills the small cup and leaves red splotches on her feet...(one way of getting her to dance)...

~~ignoring the lost pot lid...turns to walk toward the Mistress that is seated next to a Jarl...slipping on the wet floor...and cracking her knees....remembering another Gorean oath...(%#&@*) and snarling at the wet spot...stumbling around... getting to her feet again...and stumbling and weaving towards the SWEET LOVELY MISTRESS...not noticing the edge of the furs as she waves at another girl serving a Free Man...stumbling...dropping the cup again burning her feet...and falling headlong...her face landing in the Jarl's lap...

~~both knees bruised...feet burned...fingers scorched...and a tiny nick where she does not want to talk about...looks up into the Jarl's handsome face...speaking in a rather slurred voice..."JARLL...might there me tomething else...rather than MEAD that this bond could do for you esssspecially while girl faces is burried so close to your lapp???...grrinzz...up at him and winks (hicupps!)...her hand reacching for her mouth and giggles (ha ha)