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work out with 2 pot lids

Current Mood: Content
dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ ( always dreaming bigger & better), Bashirs pet)
Female - 43 years old, City of Port Olni, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single

Posted: 2019-10-09 8:38:45 pm Category RolePlay Viewed 222 times Likes 2
[12:13] *ebediyetO having observed a few Warriors practicing thier combat moves...ebediyet decides to emulate their motions with 2 big pot lids...oO(who knows when she might need to defend herself.)
[12:16] *ebediyetO standing in the open field she takes 2 3 ft round pot lids and she holds them one on each hand the 1.5 ft of pot lid extending from the middle over each of her small biceps from the grip and she holds them down to each side they are heavy but she had been using them for a long time to get accustom to the weight*
[12:17] *ebediyetO she then lets her blue eyes look out into a gaze as if she were clearing her mind she has no weapons on her for she is just a slave but the two pot lids bare chested feeling the wind bite into her body her hair back in 2 bound braids keep it from her eyes.*

[12:18] *ebediyetO she knows she needs to limber her arms up and let the muscles stretch out and she rotates her upper body to the lft side and then back to the rt testing the weight of the pot lids.*

[12:19] *ebediyetO the sun coming down warming her body it fends off the small bit of cool wind that brushes over her it had been some time since she had worked with two pot lids and she had to keep in mind how use them in more ways than the normal person would...after all being just a slave often used them for slaves cannot touch weapons she just preferred to make them deadly if need too and she let them both hold flat to each of her smooth outer thighs*

[12:20] ebediyetO: 12:20:00 PM

[12:21] *ebediyetO girl tries to bring her rt pot lid upwards straight as she attempts to step forward 3 ft trying to thrust it outwards trying to drive the rim towards where a persons chest would be as she simultaneously tries to bring her lft pot lid lft to rt sideways trying to bring the rim to where a persons rt temple would be*

[12:21] ebediyetO: 12:21:07 PM

[12:21] ebediyetO: 12:21:12 PM

[12:22] *ebediyetO girl then tries to turn to her lft side trying to pivot on her rt foot trying to face a 90 degree angle to her lft side when she tries to bring her rt pot lid back to her rt side hip flat as it was before and she tries to bring her left pot lid back down flat trying to hold it 9" from her left breast trying to cover over her left thigh to her mid neck*

[12:22] ebediyetO: 12:22:17 PM

[12:22] ebediyetO: 12:22:30 PM

[12:23] *ebediyetO she then tries to bring her lft pot lid upwards 2 ft trying to bring it over her head while trying to turn it flat ways as if to block a strike of a blow over the top of her golden head while she then tries to bring her rt pot lid up flat ways trying to slam it forward hard as if its rim would strike out towards where a persons lft knee would be*

[12:23] ebediyetO: 12:23:34 PM

[12:24] ebediyetO:  12:23:36 PM

[12:23] ebediyetO: (grumbles at the one minute post times for these two actions) holding the pot lid flat ways over her head with her lft hand as she holds the rt pot lid sideways down to where a persons lft knee would be she then glance to her lft side*

[12:24] ebediyetO: 12:24:37 PM

[12:24] ebediyetO12:24:37 PM

[12:25] *ebediyetO she tries to bring her lft pot lid over head down to her lft side trying to bring the rims edges sideways rt to lft while simultaneously trying to pivot in a 90 degree angle to her lft side thinking how it would feel against a persons jaw bone*

[12:25] ebediydtO: 12:25:20 PM

[12:25] ebediyetO: 12:25:32 PM

[12:26] *ebediyetO she then tries to bring her rt pot lid up wards flat ways hard trying to see where a persons chin would be as if she would drive it up hard to their chin as if to snap their neck back while she then tries to bring her lft shield flat ways hard up bottom to top trying to see if it would fit between the persons thighs as if to shatter thier groin*

[12:26] ebediyetO: 12:26:28 PM

[12:26] ebediyetO: 12:26:28 PM

[12:27] *ebediyetO thinks to herself a bit better as girl is under a minute and she then tries to bring both pot lids back to the sides of her body each now 8" from each hip as she holds them to her body breathing a bit hard she feels the warm burn of her muscles and she then reset.*

[12:26] ebediyetO: 12:27:28 PM

[12:26] ebediyetO: 12:26:28 PM

[12:28] *ebediyetO thinks of how it would be were she to have a blade coming at her and she then closes her blue eyes as she lets them refocus this time she would have to work two as one with a flowing attack hidden behind the other and she then grins when she open her eyes*

[12:26] ebediyetO: 12:29:28 PM

[12:26] ebediyetO: 12:26:28 PM

[12:29] *ebediyetO she knows that not many were use to having two to block with after all a spear or sword mere weapons would be easily blocked and perhaps broken as one would work it's way into their bodies*

[12:29] ebediyetO: 12:29:21 PM

[12:29] ebediyetO: 12:29:22 PM

[12:30] *ebediyetO she tries to bring her lft pot lid rt to left trying to move it as if it were trying to meet the sword thrust of a person trying to drive the blade to her left side while she tries to turn to face the person when she tries to thrust her rt pot lid rims edge hard rt to lft towards the persons rt elbow trying to shatter it*

[12:30] ebediyetO: 12:30:18 PM

[12:30] ebediyetO: 12:31:20 PM

[12:31] *ebediyetO she then tries to step back 3 ft trying to bring her lft pot lid back 8" from her left breast trying to cover her heart as she then tries to bring the right pot lid back to her rt side 8" from her rt hip trying to set into a slight crouch and she lets her mind clear.*

[12:32] ebediyetO: 12:32:17 PM

2019-10-10 8:53:01 am
nicely done obediyet.