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ebediyet captured

Current Mood: Content
dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ ( always dreaming bigger & better), Bashirs pet)
Female - 43 years old, City of Port Olni, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single

Posted: 2019-10-22 10:04:09 pm Category RolePlay Viewed 317 times Likes 0
~~as ebediyet walked down the trail towards the Paga Den after visiting Master Haigan...she glances back over her shoulder as she leaves him and smiles sweetly...she stopped by a fruit tree to pick some tospit on her way back...knowing she wanted to make some Tospit Pepper she was minding her own business and humming a tune getting only the best tospit the tree had to offe...she heard a wicked thunder of hoofs beating the ground and coming her way...her tune left her lips as she ducked behind the tree...only to be spotted by the Riders...where one jumped of his beast and ran and grabbed his prize which was her...
~~the lil bond kicked and screamed "let girl go!!...LET GIRL GO!!"...the Free Man reached to his belt and plucked the binding fiber and tied ebediyets arms behind her...he just laughed and drug her to his Kailia to which he laid her across the saddle and jump up behind her taking a hold of the reigns and kicking the beast in the flanks...turned the animal around up on it's back legs and a way they rode off to met up with the other Men off in the direction of Salerius Meadow...the girl pleading the Free Man to let her go...
~~as they got away from the Frontier...the Free Men slowed their roll...the beast she was a top of now at a more gentle gait...when they came to the Meadow ebediyet could see a few wagons and a circle...a fire blazing in the center of the place...she thought oO(these Men must be from the Woods Clearchus she knew those woods housed Outlaws) there were some hideous creatures talking businnes to a few of the Free Men as they arrived...oO( wonder what they wanted of a lil bonds maid for) the Man she rode with stopped his kailia and tossed ebediyet to the ground then hoped down himself and handed the reighns over to one of the other Free Men...
~~reaching down he grabbed the girl by the hair of her pretty little head and draged her to the circle where the fire was...the others watched as he Man handled the lil girl...she was kicking and growling in protest...he threw her next to a log being used as a bench...with a (thudd) which girls right hip stopped her fall...knowing a bruise was gonna be showing since he was rough housing her...
~~he looks to the other Men and says "who will pay me for this pretty lil filly for the evening" others denied for they saw the collar around her neck knowing she belonged to some one...with closer inspection the Free Men saw her right leg with the brand of the North (o/) and her collar which read property of Onak they went back to their negotiations...seeing many trunks opened with weapons inside with the creatures...
~~the Outlaw just roared with laughter and says "and this will stop me why?" (as Outlaws make thier one laws) and he said "she will be out a collar just as soon as I get my awl and hammer" ebediyet cries out "please please not that..girl loves her Jarl" her cries fell to deaf ears as the Free Man reached out and pulled her kirtle from her slim body turning her over laying her neck to the log...she wiggles and tries to stop him...he tells her "if you moved again I will slit your throat" she stilled herself and kept quite...
~~he reaches to his saddle bag and gets his tools...coming back to were his prize was laid out...her neck on the log...he tears back the black leather covering over her collar..and sets his awl to the pin  that locks around the girls neck...ifting the hammer he strikes it twice and the piece of cold steel falls to the ground...ebediyet's tears fall like rain as she heard the collar hit the ground...the Outlaw tosses it to the flames of the camp started getting dark...
~~the girl wondered again oO(what do they want with her? hopefully not sell her to the creatures which she could only think were the Kurri ) the man picks her up twirls her around removes the binding fibers and commands the girl to go by the River and wash herself and come back...for he was wanting his prize to please him in the furs...she growled and hissed a bit...she shuddered with horror at the sound of that...but quickly went to the she was bathing...she heard a great commotion and kept seeing blue lights flash she quickly left the River back to the edge of the camp...she made sure to duck this time out of site as she approaches...she saw the Kurri and the Outlaws one by one bursti into flames from a ship hovered in the rays penetrating downward...she only could think oO(the ship was of the Priest Kings for they were the only ones with those kind of weapon...they must of pissed the Priest Kings off)
 ~~ebediyet backs away from camp back to the River...South East she travels quickly to which she followed the River to the Frontier...her little heart racing...she keeps looking behind her...thankfully the Priest Kings were no where close to her...she finally runs the rest of way...she stops when she reaches the Pavilion in the Frontier where the community gathers...she thinks oO(how will she explain what happened to her self...Master Haigann was a good person to help her) girl knows many will be upset and angry that she is now an uncolored slave...she seeks out to find Master Haigan...

2019-10-23 2:02:45 pm
the Frontier
2019-10-24 9:04:48 am
we will get this meeting set up ebediyet
2019-10-24 10:04:46 am
thank you Master