[05:43p] › You are now known as ~~ebediyet~~.
[05:43p] › You have joined the conversation.
[05:43p] Topic is: Gor.
[05:43p] ~~ebediyet~~ ebediyet backs away from camp back to the River...South East she travels quickly to which she followed the River to the Frontier...her little heart racing...she keeps looking behind her...thankfully the Priest Kings were no where close to her <C>
[05:44p] ~~ebediyet~~ she finally runs the rest of way...she stops when she reaches the Pavilion in the Frontier where the community gathers...she thinks oO(how will she explain what happened to her self...Master Hagin was a good person to help her) girl knows many will be upset and angry that she is now an uncolored slave...she seeks out to find Master Haigan <C>
Haigan I worked in the flowerbeds, humming quietly to Myself as I pulled and piled weeds, improving the look of the landscaping and gathering some morsels for the tarsk-troughs.
Haigan hearing the sound of running feet I lifted from among the shrubbery, resting on My kneesa and looked around to see what I might see. I raised My dirty hand and waved as I spoke "Tal ebediyet, what's the hurry?"
[05:48p] ~~ebediyet~~ having ran the last little bit...she bends over places hands palm down on her knees that are scuffed up...takes a deep breath...rising to her full stature she looks about thinking oo(where could he be?)...her naked self...by the flower beds she sees him thinks oO(thank Odin) she sees him waving as she closes in on him...she drops to her knees before him thighs kiss palms downward upon then..she sobs
~~ebediyet~~ : Tal Master..ebediyet is in a awful mess..
Haigan : is she now? why is that?
[05:50p] ~~ebediyet~~ her tears fall to the ground she cries even harder (utth) lifting her head looking to him with a dreadful look on her face of distress and speaks through her sobs
~~ebediyet~~ : Master girl was captured by the Outlaws as she left you yesterday (utt.) one wanted for girl to please him in the furs (utt) she saw at the Meadow some Free Men bantering with some Kurri girl thinks over some weapons...girl was commanded to go bathe her self in the River as she did she kept seeing blue lights flashing out the Ship of the Priest Kings is what she concluded...she tracked back naked up to the camp behind a tree she hid and she saw that the blue flames <C>
Haigan reaching for the sul sack I lifted it and shook out the weeds I had been collecting as I listened to her tale. Taking the small pruning knife from My belt I slit the stitching along the top of the relatively clean sack of coarse burlap, then slit a hole along each side. Sheathing the knife again I handed the girl the sul sack tunic and the rough cordage used for tying the top closed and slinging it over My shoulder for carrying. "dress yourself girl, can't be running around bare-assed in the cold."
Haigan : I wouldn't speak too loudly or too often of seeing Priest-Kings.
~~ebediyet~~ : were the Outlaws and the Kurri were being blasted with the flame girl turned and ran bask to river...and followed it back her she needed to see you for you have always been kind to girl he might help her so others would not think it was girls fault of what happened to her...as you see Master girl does not have the collar anymore....
[06:00p] ~~ebediyet~~ she exsepts the make shift clothing...slipping it over head the relaxes her hands back to her thighs pointed downward
~~ebediyet~~ : can you help girl Master she knows not what to do
[06:01p] ~~ebediyet~~ cries a little bit more
Haigan I continued to listened as I raked up the weeds into a pile with My fingers. I paused and glanced toward the girl, indeed she wore no collar. I considered this and replied as I continued My work "Some say a collar is for the world to know who owns a girl, but the girl knows it in her heart. What would I help her to do, if I were able to help her do something?"
~~ebediyet~~ : Master you may understand but will the others...yes girls heart knows who she was in service but with out her collar others girl thinks that girl did this to herself how does one explain Master?
Haigan Ipulled a somewhat clean bit of linen, which had once been a flour sack, from within the sleeve of My tunic and offered it to the girl."dry your eyes girl, nothing is ever hopeless."
Haigan I continued My weeding as I talked "girl some people will always complain or find fault. I know people who, if their bosk were to shit gold dust, would complain for having to feed them and that it wasn't clumpy. The best you can do is to live the best that you know how and to Hades with those people and their frequent complaints."
[06:11p] ~~ebediyet~~ lifts to receive the cloth he offered her....places her face in to the cloth and wipes her face and eyes that are bloodshot and tired...looking at her right thigh see sees the bruise where one of the Outlaw tossed her aside against the log to where he removed her Jarls' collar...swipes her knees with the cloth they were scratched up...lay the cloth aside her towering kneel listens to him as she does she combs her finger through her long blonde hair
[06:11p] › ahavaMotley has joined the conversation.
Haigan I sat back on My heels to stretch My back and looked to the now clothed girl.
~~ebediyet~~ : me her blue eyes look down and not up to him in shame of being so gullible to have someone capture her and abuse her
Haigan : As the local Merchant Magistrate I can't allow you to roam freely, running wild throughout the countryside. As far as I can surmise from all this you are a n article of lost property.
[06:14p] ahavaMotley she had been wandering about it seemed like for days now, keeping to the shadows most of the time, peeking in the windows of most buildings looking to see if she could catch a glimpse of anyone she may recognize
[06:14p] ~~ebediyet~~ nods her head and listens
[06:16p] ~~ebediyet~~ she looks to the flower bed he was weeding out as he is crouched down to talk with her
Haigan : I'll have to take you into custody naturally but instead of tossing you into a cage I'll see if I can find a place for you to be of use and earn your keep. Maybe down at the Paga Den and Inn. They might put you to work for some food and clothes and a dry place to sleep until the statute of limitations runs out and you could be freed or sold or claimed by another.
Haigan I leaned again among the flowers continuing with the weeding as I listened to the girl and pondered what might be best to do with her for the time being.
[06:20p] ahavaMotley she heard voices but couldn't figure out where they were coming from, she she began to wander around the building, a tad cautious, as she heard the voices grwoing louder, she began to chew on her lower lip as stepped toward the voices
~~ebediyet~~ : Oh Master thank you she has been staying there since she arrived here in one of the rooms to rent that Master Ridge rented..the Den Owner gives permission to cook clean so guess that helps bed and feed thank you Master for not putting girl in a cage
[06:22p] ahavaMotley she wondered if she should clear her throat, as to announce she was moving toward T/them, she didn't want to be struck down or anything
[06:22p] ahavaMotley she coughed slightly, not wishing to interrupt the conversation
Haigan I heard soft footsteps and glanced back over My shoulder to see a girl I had not had the pleasure of speaking with for some time. I sat up and rested on My knees as I dusted My hands and spoke "Tal little ahava, where have you been so long?"
[06:23p] ahavaMotley a smile formed upon her lips, hearing the familiar voice, speaking softly
ahavaMotley : greetings Master, she has been wandering for along time it seems
[06:24p] ~~ebediyet~~ she offers a soft smile from her dirty face
Haigan : ahava this is ebediyet
[06:25p] ahavaMotley peeking to the girl she didn't know, hearing the Master said
Haigan : ebediyet this is ahava, My brother Motley's girl.
ahavaMotley : greetings girl
ahavaMotley : tis a pleasure to meet you
~~ebediyet~~ : greetings ahava is it sweet serves
~~ebediyet~~ : likewise
Haigan : ebediyet, go in the kitchen and get a wash basin with some soap and warm water, take it out back and clean yourself up. I'll walk you down to the Paga Den shortly
Haigan : all good ahava )) her computer froze up
~~ebediyet~~ : yes Master
Haigan I went back to weeding the flowerbeds of the Pavilion, working My way along slowly, taking the time to be thorough and leaving neat small piles of weeds to be gathered and tossed into the tarsk-troughs later.
[06:33p] ~~ebediyet~~ she lifts up her body screaming but she turns and walks softly for her feet from running feels as tho she been walking on pebbles...climbs the stairs to the Pavilion to its Kitchen she rambles to find a basin plucks it up and fills it with warm soapy water then also a huge pitcher filling it full to to rinse off with reaching for a rep cloth then w and the pitcher
Haigan I hummed an old tune I had learned at Sea, a rowing shanty intended to help keep the pace of the work, I grabbed and pulled and shifted with the tune working contently to improve the look of the landscaping along the paths to the Pavilion. The building was a community project and many of us took great pride in it's upkeep and function.
[06:39p] ~~ebediyet~~ lifts the make shift clothing Master Haigan made from a sack laying it off to the side bending down taking the rep cloth and drowning it in to the sudsy water...lifts and squoose some of the water out of it...she washes her face strongly and slips the cloth over her breast then her bruised hip....down her arms and legs...dipping the rep gathering more solution to wash with...taking up the pitcher she pours the clean water over her head and it trickles like a river over rocks down her frame
[06:44p] ~~ebediyet~~ takes the soapy rep cloth and rubs it over her golden hair making sure to be clean and squeaky...she rinses her hair...she sees a clothes line with a fluffy towels and she goes and acquires one to dry her self off and her hair...spreading the towel upon the ground by the basin she takes the rep cloth dipping it again to fill the cloth then scrubs her little feet..that are a bit warned from running..takes the last of the clean water and cleans them off...rises and slides her feet over the towel
Haigan finishing the weeding along the path I rose to My feet and stretched then walked to the greenhouse for a large basket with which to gather up the randomly spaced small piles of weeds I had left behind.
Haigan placing the basket on the ground I began gathering the piles of weeds into it and moving it along with Me as I worked. I glanced toward the setting of La Torvis settling upon the mountains in a myriad of colors among the trees and stones.
[06:49p] ~~ebediyet~~ reaches to pick the basin then goes over to the tree line and lets the trees drink...bounces back places the clothing back over her fame...runs her fingers in her sunny locks primps the sides up brushes her hands down her body then picks the towel...basin and pitcher and she rinses the basin out drying it places it back to which she found it..tosses the towel in the dirty laundry basket then puts to rest the pitcher...takes a deep breath and trails back to the flower beds...prim and proper she stands
[06:50p] ~~ebediyet~~ she thanks Master Haigan for being so hospitable towards her and asks him
~~ebediyet~~ : Master may ebediyet help you?
Haigan : ah. well you look much cleaner. I was just finishing up. Let's have that walk down to the Inn and I'll see if they have a use for your services until the statute of limitations runs out, during which at anytime if Onak were to arrive He could legally reclaim you.
~~ebediyet~~ : yes Master
Haigan I gathered the last pile of weeds into the basket and lifted it from the ground. "heel ebediyet" I spoke as I carried the basket of weeds to the tarsk-pen by the river and dumped them out into the feeding troughs.
~~ebediyet~~ : yes Master heel
[06:55p] ~~ebediyet~~ she walks closer to him but behind a little to the right..but two steps back and awaits him to walk
[06:56p] ~~ebediyet~~ they walk to the tarsk pen she watches as he tosses the weed over for them to munch upon
Haigan I dusted out the last of the weeds by hand then turned the basket and patted its back firmly to shake out any dust or dirt and sat off toward the Paga Den and Inn carrying the basket along leading the girl to where she could be of the most use and earn her keep for the time being.
[06:59p] ~~ebediyet~~ the path to the Paga Den still fresh in her mind from yesterday..as the near the Tospit tree she plucked Tospit from that are still in a little pile on the ground she asks Master Higan
Haigan crossing the bridge and passing beyond the Market further along the road toward Fort Haskins I turned off the main road onto the cart path of the Haskins House Inn and Paga Den. I sat the basket aside, wiped My feet and entered the establishment, walking toward the front desk to speak with the Proprietor.
~~ebediyet~~ : Master can she retrieve the Tospit she gathered yesterday?
Haigan : aye girl, and use the basket if it helps. I'll have a word with Harold on your behalf.
~~ebediyet~~ : yes Master thank you
[07:04p] ~~ebediyet~~ she picks up his basket and goes to collect the Tospit she collected yesterday..her blue eyes scan all around her making sure no one would capture her again...quickly she retreats back to the Paga Den sits the basket back aside and she stands perfectly behind him but towards his left...she listens as the two discuss her well being
Haigan taking the man Harold , the Owner of the Haskins House Inn and Paga Den, aside I spoke to him explaining the situation with the girl whom I considered an article of lost property which was subject to being sold when the Statute had expired. "I can't allow her to roam around at will, uncollared and prowling. Keep her here, put her to work, feed and clothe her and provide her a dry kennel for her efforts, this is all I can ask of You Harold. Put her to use, see what sort of coin she's worth."
[07:09p] ~~ebediyet~~ she smiles to the Owner for she has had conversations with while she stayed here with Master Ridge
Haigan taking the basket I carefully piled the topsit on the counter where we stood, One I kept and returned to the girl as her own.
~~ebediyet~~ : thank you Master...
Haigan : let her have the one to enjoy, she harvested them from the public trees along the road. The others are Yours.
[07:11p] ~~ebediyet~~ looking to Master Harold as he hands her a Tospit she softly speaks
~~ebediyet~~ : thank you Master for allowing girl to still be in your establishment..she will not get in the way and she will work hard to please you
Haigan taking the empty basket I turned to face the girl called ebediyet and inclined My head slightly, smiled and spoke mildly. "I have done what I could girl. Now you must do for yourself and earn your keep. It's suppertime at home and I know My amari has My meal on the fire. I wish you well girl."
[07:13p] ~~ebediyet~~ she offers him her smile as big as one of the Moons of Gor
Haigan : Be well Harold.
Haigan I moved out into the dusk, headed for Home, with a basket now worn as something of a straw-hat, balanced atop My head as I began to rumble out an old Sea shanty "Arrrrrgh what do we do with a drunken sailor..." while moving onward into the distance toward My humble little cottage.