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a Fire Dance

Current Mood: Content
dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ ( always dreaming bigger & better), Bashirs pet)
Female - 43 years old, City of Port Olni, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single

Posted: 2019-11-07 1:42:44 pm Category RolePlay Viewed 225 times Likes 3
~~sashaying to the sands hips swaying with seductive ease...peeking to the Free Men nervously (it was her 1st dance since her collar was removed) small hand brushes over long golden tendrils steping into the sands so warm against bare feet...she relaxes settling whirling mind then with a deep breath she assumes a proud and haughty hued eyes peeks up and around at the Free Men watching her...lathe frame steps about the edges of the pit...a sudden feeling of fire surges within her slave body as the music begins to play....
~~with a great slam of a tiny bare foot to the sand the slave starts turning in a sedate blue eyes flare from sweet face...moving in a slow circle about the sand stomping it the light shining from above on long sunny tresses...
with a surprised startled look she stops and spins around with a leap jumping back from the chains she sees...chains everywhere she looks...wildly twists and twirls trying to escape...
~~spins left then right then roars as she turns...too fight as her head jerks back the collar snapped tight about slender throat...with a snarl the slave yanks back...rage and fury exploding from her eyes screaming out defiantly against the inexorable pull of the chains...her bestial cries ring out as she swings wildly about...eyes glare at her Owner...for she is now his glistens with a sheen of sweat as muscles stand rigid as the slave fights the bonds...moving slower as time goes on...the steel stronger then the girls slender form...slumps defeated to the sands so pure...her eyes flick up to Owner...watching them smile at struggles end with her giving in....

~~the chain pulls taut forcing her to stand...begins to move about the warm sand...hesitant unsure...face clouded... steps smoother with each second as time flies by as she accepts her fate...for there is no escape...the chains guide her...lead her to please...circles about quick and longer does she fight that which physically binds...struggles to let out the beast inside...fighting her mind with her heart the battle continues with no stop or start...she claws at the chain with one hand as then caresses it with the other...body the battlefield between slave heart and free mind...feet fly over clean sand with sure steps she moves from past to future...

~~the lil bond dances now from her heart...his steps light and movements easy...the chain pulls her to her Owners whim...she gives in with each step to please...wide eyes gleam...proud to wear the collar about her throat...the collar that shows she is Owned...feet pound as she turns...stong rythm made as her each step follows the beat of her heart... wanting to please...burning to serve the slave spins on the sand floor...stuggles ended...she dances now to please and submit...the chains no longer upon her body...but meshed with slaves soul...entwining both body and soul...mind at peace...her souls submission complete...
~~the slave gasps as she feels the chains pull her forcing her to kneel...he looks up to her Owner...pride of Ownership in eyes...she shifts side to side...feeling still a touch of great pride at being...she bows down to the one who Owns her... contented and at ease as slavery binds...body melts down...slowly pressing down to the sands...hands reaching out wards with palms turned up as cheek presses to the sand...the dance ending with submission complete...obediant to the wishes of her Owner...soul complete...the music ends and she slowly stands...the slave looks around and runs from the sands with a blush as red as can be...runs to Owner...happiness found at last...
~~ebediyet awakens her hand rushes to her throat...fingers trying to find the is not there...she was only dreaming...she sighs then takes a big breath and blows it out...stands up motions for the lil ganni to follow her to the Kitchen so she can get him a saucer of milk and her her breakfast "if only" she says to her self