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Sailed all night Eastward to Ti

Current Mood: Content
dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ ( always dreaming bigger & better), Bashirs pet)
Female - 43 years old, City of Port Olni, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single

Posted: 2020-04-23 4:07:13 pm Category RolePlay Viewed 312 times Likes 2



~~aeternum is woken up by many of shouting voices and scrambling noises as she sits up looking about she can see they have docked...she asks a Free Man where they are he states "at the docks of Ti by Jasper's Paga Den & Inn" she thanks him then slowly moves around the deck so not to get in any ones way

~~she tramps to the gang plank with the heaavy boots she was given...she goes over to the sands near the ship and sits in the sand watching the Men unloaad while the awaiting thralls take the load up the alley...Master Jasper stops by her and leans his hand downward to help her up...she does so and she looks to him his blue eyes smiling at her as hers twinkle

~~"well well lil bond we made it out of Olni...I will take you to my Paga Den & Inn where you can reside for exchange of cooking and entertaining the the way girl what is your name?" she replies "girls last Owner named her aeternum meaning eternity Master" looking at her up and down twirling her around nodding he states "Odin help me this lil bond is going to be a little fire aterunum follow the thralls to the Den and ask the Kitchen wench for some clothes and a place to clean your self up and get you ready to will sleep in my Chambers get a bed roll and place it to the foot I will catch you later" she replies "yes Master"

~~she quickly does as he has commanded her to do thinking oO(thinking this will suit her just right for she is used to working in the Dens & Inns) she reaches the entrance after passing a few Kaili tied up out side and a few Free Men gathered out sid...she pushes open the door looking inside...walking towards the Kitchen to see the wench she asks her for what Master Jasper had commanded her to do...she gathers the baathing items and clothes also gathering a bed roll to boot

~~she takes a well needed bath from the travling on the ship..smelling again like lavendar she dries her self off and dresses in the little silk that she was offered..being a bond it was strange to be dressed but has gotten used to diffrent from the norm here lately..she takes the bathing items placing them back and gathers up the bed roll taking it to Master Jaspers Chambers placing the roll to the foot of his bed twirls away getting back to the Main part of the Den just in time as Master Jasper arrives...he smiles to her then disappers in the back...knowing later tonight she will be serving and dancing

Home Ti

at Jasper's Paga Den & Inn


 large tributary river of the Vosk, once overrun by pirates, four (4) cities, known collectively as the Four Cities of Saleria created an alliance, known as the Salerian Confederation in order to rid the Olni River of the pirate influence and protect inland shipping. These four cities are Ti, the largest city holding the confederation seat, Lara, a pivotal town between the Salerian Confederation and the other Vosk townships, Port Olni and Vonda

Ti---River city situated on the Olni River, north of Tharna, this port city is the seat of the Salerian Confederation, and known for its superb warriors.
"The retinue was the betrothal and dowry retinue of the Lady Sabina of the small merchant polis of Fortress of Saphronicus bound overland for Ti, of the Four Cities of Saleria, of the Salerian Confederation. Ti lies on the Olni, a tributary of the Vosk, north of Tharna." 
— Slave Girl of Gor, page 110.
Ti was the largest and most populous city of the Salerian Confederation. It had, to date, refused to involve itself in the machinations of Vonda and Cos. 
— Rogue of Gor, page 24.


Jasper NPC Owner of Jaspers Paga Denn & Inn---aeternum lil bond


NPC's Guards and Escorts Loyd Lee Link