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what makes you better than me?

Current Mood: Content
dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ ( always dreaming bigger & better), Bashirs pet)
Female - 43 years old, City of Port Olni, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single

Posted: 2020-07-04 8:57:10 pm Category RolePlay Viewed 518 times Likes 6

this goes out to the jealeaus people out know who you are

who are you to think of me the way you do?

who gave you the right to rant about me?

tell me who deemed you the Man or the Judge?

why do you hold in so much jealousy?

who are you to stare and make fun and make me your next casualty?

you silly little person what makes you think in anyway that you are better than me?

material things you may have more of

but that is not what makes me

i am a very beautiful person inside and i am filled with nothing but generosity

so when and if you ever wizen up

and begin to understand that there is more to life then cruelty

you will come to this place where i am at

filled with happiness and much assurance

hopefully you can see past all the hurt that you are spitting out

come on it's time to grow up and understand what this life is really about

because money and things don't make a person only

your inside makes who you are

don't continue to be so harsh to others

learn to shine brighter than that shooting star

so again i must ask of you be true to who you really are

in everyway i think of you as a beautiful person

so what makes you so much better than me?

what makes you better than me?

2020-07-05 4:10:02 pm
Dearie, you shouldn't be trying to make people to act responsibly, it's mean. Some people are like that...they wake up in the morning and decide for themselves that they can't feel good unless someone else feels bad, and when they manage to discourage someone they then feel like they're better, because they did the thing that made the bad, and affected your life. "I hurt you, and can do it again, so I'm better than you because I'm me." Like i said, responsibility is mean. Keep doing it.