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dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ ( always dreaming bigger & better), Bashirs pet)
Female - 43 years old, City of Port Olni, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single

Posted: 2020-09-17 4:00:30 pm Category RolePlay Viewed 235 times Likes 0

as a slave there is no more fundamental law then obeying a Free...our answer is “yes Master or Mistress" as the case may be...never is our answer “no” when a command is given to us...this gives rise to some conflicts and issues that i have come across...what does a slave do when a Free gives them a command that goes against an order from their Owner or another Free responsible for them?

it happens all the small ways and large and to the Free it is not something they concern themselves with...but to a slave it is a situation fraught with peril....we know that we will be disappointing someone and one the other hand a punishment most likely awaits

just such a situation arose once for me...a meeting was to take place in a Home...and after delivering a basket of delicacies i was ordered away by a Master until after the meeting was concluded...a simple order to comply i took myself off and left to attend to some i was leaving i paused at the entrance of the building to greet another slave while we were greeting a different Master arrived...he gave each of us an assignment...and after giving me mine turned and made his way to the meeting

What should a slave do in such a situation?

there are two ways...essentially...a slave can handle these times when they happen to you...because if it hasn’t happened to you...can be assured it will at some point

you can insist that you have other orders and refuse

or you can go along with it

keep in mind that while the Free are not always right...they are never wrong...and so the first option may not be your best is possible to beg out of something while causing the minimum offense...she can beg for permission to explain that she has orders to be the instance describe above...with the knowledge that the Master may still tell her to attend to his is always wise to speak with your Owners about how you should handle just such a situation when it arises

for myself...i said “yes Master” and went about my assigned role...the Master and i had a talk about it...this article is the result of that discussion

bear in mind that there will be times when there simply is no right answer for you...all that we can do as a slave is beg forgiveness and take our punishment with dignity and grace and learn from it...learning from it does not mean that we are mistreated...they are Free...we are slave and as such have no rights to fair whether you are a slave in character or are one in character and out...a slave always strives to better themselves for their Owner

there is no right answer...other than to never say “no” to a my situation...i said “yes Master” and prepared my assignment...nothing was served at this meeting...but the question was raised to does a slave handle conflicting orders....when it comes up for you my fellow slaves how do you?