Female - 43 years old, City of Port Olni, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Posted: 2020-10-22 7:11:33 am Category RolePlay Viewed 155 times Likes 3
a kajira
a kajira defines
i beg a moment of your time to write about what exactly IS a kajira...i’ve heard so many opinions on this one...and i’ve no doubt you have too...but i hope you will allow me the privilege to give one more...and as always this article is my personal opinion...there is no right or wrong opinions...just different ones...i’m going to stick on the literal side… we all know that “La Kajira” translates to English as “A Slave Girl” so what is a slave?
Merriam-Webster’s definition is: a person held in servitude as the chattel of another; one that is completely subservient to a dominating influence a device that is directly responsive to another
Dictionary.com’sarkslateblue"> definition is: a person who is the property of and wholly subject to another a bond servant a person entirely under the domination of some influence or person
i’m not going to venture into the popular discussion point of OOC as i do not care to hear the ranting of the numerous women who believe it is socially acceptable to be nasty to others...slap a piss poor excuse of being OOC on it...and think they got away with it....nope...not going there instead...for the purposes of this article...i am talking about the general definition of a slave...however it is important to remember that although the above are literal definitions...they do refer to enslavement as not necessarily being a person’s choice...but that is absolutely not the truth for on line Gor as the person behind the computer fully and freely chooses the role of slave
for this reason...i am baffled when i see a girl openly disobeying a Master it seems to me the concept is a rather simple one...you chose the slave role and it means you are Owned...you do not have any rights...will...entitlement...possessions...etc. if you find a proper Master...you might have the privilege of having a voice and an opinion...but outright disobeying or bossing your Master around? that’s just wrong anyway you slice it
so i beg i plead...when picking your role...please give careful thought as to who you really are in your heart and chose the right one...you will be happier and in turn...others will enjoy your company much more...a win win for us all
a kajira is Saved
this article is very difficult for me...it exposes me far more than i had originally intended to allow myself to be revealed...but...after giving it some serious thought...i do feel it’s important to write...as i feel there are many others that are like me out there...and the more i explain myself the more people might learn and understand the mind of a slave
first...it is pertinent to explain a bit about who i am the Gor books are mot new to me however i have not read a single one of the books i have done a lot of research and finding quotes from the books so in a way i did get the just of the books my Master has given me access to the first 3 books to which i am reading cover to cove once those 3 are read he will give more till i get through all of them...i was raised and lived most of my adult life in a submissive culture...a life changing event occurred two years ago that ended my ability to live completely in a submissive lifestyles ince the Gor lifestyle is extremely close to what I’ve always known...i sought out Gor as a counter balance....simply put...i am real life...emotionally bound to my online life
i’m just gonna jump right into it...my Master saved me i do not know if he intended it...and I do not know if he knows what he has accomplished...when he grabs my hair and forces me to his boot...he gifts me with peace...he gives me safety...he dictates my clarity of mind there...when he commands me to heel and follow him...he gives me a direction to walk in...he provides me with a path...he releases me from wandering...when he places his hand over my mouth...he stops me from babbling without thinking...he protects me from myself...he offers me the gift of silence
what i lack in real life...my Master in Buzzen has succeeded to give me...by commanding me to serve him...he gives me purpose. A purpose that i believe in...i cannot testify loudly enough the importance of this....many times...i have met women who are here to play a game...when they hit the power button...they walk away from a game and do not carry anything with them...and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that...what i am doing with this article is telling the other side...the side of the person who uses Buzzen for more than mere entertainment...as I said earlier...i use Buzzen to balance my real life...this is my own choice and i know that i am not alone in this
my point is that there are all types of people in Buzzen Gor and each has their own reason to be here...i beg you to listen and absorb this...the wise person remembers the importance of learning each individuals motivations and works with them accordingly...always use care when you deal with any other person, whether you are a slave addressing a free or a free addressing a slave free to freeor slave to slave...we are all emotional creatures...and whatever purpose brings us here...whatever we are seeking...we all deserve respect and consideration.
a kajira is Snubbed
although i am not new to role playing...i believe i have been victimized by a RP snob after speaking with a few people...i have learned that there are varying definitions for the RP Snob...so...to clarify...my definition is the person who refuses to RP with people for whatever closed minded reason they might dream up...these are the people who greet you...but after that seem to go completely silent for long moments at a time
i have...upon occasion...politely asked a person why they went silent and was sometimes told that they are answering IMs...but...to me...this is extremely rude behavior...equivalent to that person who brings their mobile phone to your RL meeting and fails to focus on the meeting while they text and read their mobile messages...and of course...as a slave...i cannot expect a Free to be polite to me...but...really...is it that much fun to make another person kneel near you for long periods of time while you “get around” to RPing with them? if you are a person who enjoys socializing in IMs perhaps you should avoid RP situations all together...truth be told...i am one such person...who prefers role playing and keep the every day riff raft to a minimum however i also do not ever rangered">NEVER simply ignore someone who strolls over to me and greets me...in my opinion...this has nothing to do with being a slave and everything to do with showing a basic level of kindness to another human being...it is extremely rude to have someone...Free or slave...wait for over 5 minutes for you to respond to them
that being said...there are many times in which our RL does intervene and cause delays in response...what i am asking...what i am begging...is that you practice good judgment...if your children are due home in less then 10 minutes and will distract you greatly at that time...perhaps you do not start a heavily entailed RP session with another person...if you need to leave for work shortly...if you are AT work...if you have company...if you are about to start dinner...basically...if there is something that will be pulling you away from the keyboard inside of 20 minutes...this is not a good time for you to kick off RP.
i was sent a website link that boasted RP Etiquette...and was wildly excited when i heard there was such a site...but...after viewing it...and as well as a few other sites...i was amazed that none of them bothered to remind people to be kind to others! not one site reminded people that they are not the center of the universe and we all need to play nicely with those around us...long story short...i will RP with anyone over any subject because I embrace each person’s uniqueness... will never stop short or be rude because I don’t care for someone’s RP style...and this is because i know that am not the Queen of the universe...hell i can roleplay all by myself using NPCs
so if you see me...please know you are welcome to come and RP with me...i will strive to be pleasing and RP with you to the best of my ability...i have only one exception to this viewpoint...the RP Snob...i do not care to hear your silly excuses for your snobbery...you...Master or Mistress...are a buzz kill and you will end up sitting alone...role playing with the wall...not like me who will be moving on with my slavery while your not here i will write stories essays articles i know not everyone can be online as i can so i make due with what i have and then when people are around to role play i am right along with them going on a journey in to GOR
a kajira Loves
“i love you” it’s a statement i have typed and/or said a million times...i have never used the statement without meaning it...could not ever imagine a reason to do so...it is a simple...beautiful statement with a simple...beautiful purpose that far too often has been terribly contorted into something negative...we are placing way too much responsibility on the sentiment of lovein which is killing the simple beauty of the emotion
i have loved just about every person i have met whether it be in RL or in Buzzen..i love them...so...why does this make us cringe? there is no obligation that comes with this sentiment...any person who attaches an obligation to it does not love the person they are holding hostage over...love is NOT a requirement...not now...not ever...there is no expectation that comes with loving someone...there are no standards...or rules...or rational it’s not a light switch...you don’t get to turn it off and on upon your every whim
love is the little soft twinge you get in your toes when you see someone you know....it’s that little upturn of your lips when you look at another person...it’s the most basic and simple emotion and we have allowed it to be manipulated into a tool of control for far too long...i call upon the lovers of the world...help me stop the massacre! hahaha force others to love freely without any attachments
love is universal...it’s not gender specific...it is not solely connected to sex...and there is nothing wrong with loving everything in sight...you love your Mate...yes...of course you do(well sometimes...lol) but you also love your friends...your children...your parents...your siblings hell you even love inanimate objects...that proves right there that there is no expected obligation that comes with loving...so i beg you YOU yesYOUwhen i meet you and shortly afterward...when i tell you i love you...don’t cringe...i don’t have expectations...lust accept my love for what it is...simple beautiful free and pure