Yo mama is so fat...the Tarnsman use her underwear for parachutes
Yo mama is so poor...when asked where the bathroom is located...she told the guests “Two trees to your left.”
Yo mama is so stupid...she thought spitball was an actual sport
You mama is so fat...he broke wind and at a Campsite and started a forest fire
A blonde Free Woman went missing for three days...hr faithful and worried Companioin went searching for her everywhere....on the third day the Free Woman shows up at their Home and her Mate open his eyes widely in disbelief...he starts talkingto her:
Mate:”Where have you been?! We have been looking for you everywhere!” Free Woman: “I was kidapped, and they kept me for a full hand” Mate: “Wait....you have only been gone for three days!” Free Woman: “I know silly...but I had to go back for another four!”
Bees funnies
Q: Who is the bees favorite pop group? A: The Bee Gees!
Q: What is a bee’s favorite part of a relationship? A: The Honeymoon period.
Q: What did the sushi say to the bee? A: Wassabee!
Q: What do you call a bee that can’t stop eating? A: Chub-bee.
Q: What kind of bee is a sore loser? A: a cryba-bee
DON’T BREAK IN THE EGGS IN THE BASKET “Mother, is there any harm in breaking egg shells?” “Certainly not...my dear...but why do you ask?” “Cause I’ve just dropped the basket and the Kitchen floor is yellow with yolk”