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dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ ( always dreaming bigger & better), Bashirs pet)
Female - 43 years old, City of Port Olni, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single

Posted: 2020-10-25 1:41:33 pm Category RolePlay Viewed 151 times Likes 0

Why do we Dance in Gor?

 i took a series of classes at a Gorean dance school online my thought was i would be given skills to be a better dancer in a Tavern or a Home to please the Free and hopefully get a grunt of “not bad pet” from my Master...this should be a no brainer...i am basically a story teller...i can easily spin a story from an idea that pops up in front of me

i did...however...after the many classes...learn how hard a dancer works to matter what reason reasons or level of expertise she wishes to achieve...Gorean dance is a beautiful expression of words and movement...a mastery of words and movement to captivate an audience or a single person with her imagery of her body and is hard work...the written dance alone takes hours of writing...editing...rewriting...striving for the best representation of one’s dance i have started many still have them and from time to time i go back to them to add to the “story” the actual dance must show movements by the dancer to express not only the dance...but to echo the written portion of the dance...a dancer learns how to use props...what to dance in i.e. silks nude or an appropriate costume all are a parts of a dance

the teachers showed the class examples of some of their own personal give each in the class a sense of what a dance can become...the dances were exquisite...beautifully done and inspiring...each was a dance they had carefully crafted after many hours of work and many years of dancing (i got 20 of those years)at the end of the weeks of classes...each student walks onto the sands before her teachers...judges and her friends (who are welcome to attend the graduation dance) and showcases a dance she has created...i wrote such a dance for my graduation and a mentor...and friends picked my dance apart and tossed it back in my lap...with so many helpful ways to better coordinate dance movements with the engage one’s audience with the dance as a become one with the joy in a dance

 i am not a slave who says...for now...i do not wish to’s not my “thing” i do...however...commend those who do wish to dance is not an easy takes hard work...dedication to the beauty of the dancer’s moves and emotes...but rewarding in its own be judged competent in the ability to dance Gorean and found to be a girl who dance for the joy...pride and grace in the judges eyes

i wish to dance for the Home or group Free the best i can...i wish to be please both the Free and slaves who would see me dance...i wish to honor my Master with my dance...if my Master brought me to a Tavern and told to dance i would want to be able to step to the sands with my head held high..i would dance Gorean...a dance of beauty...of joy...of heart...confident i have been taught by the best...the teachers who have magnified my passion for Gorean dance for more than a you know how deeply i feel about Gorean dance...thatis why i dance in Gor