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Current Mood: Content
dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ ( always dreaming bigger & better), Bashirs pet)
Female - 43 years old, City of Port Olni, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single

Posted: 2020-10-26 10:09:12 am Category General Viewed 194 times Likes 1

 Those who know me well...know that my real life involves studying human a result...naturally look for common traits and categorize personalities...not for the purpose of i would never do such...but for the purpose of learning how to best relate to others...there are many types of they are like snowflakes and no one person is exactly the same...but many are alike and having a basic understanding of who you are dealing with is very important to a successful outcome

i beg the privilege to share my opinions of these categories with you all...and with any of my writings beg you share your feedback with me and others...they are not listed in any particular order

1> The Bully (not gender specific) – thankfully rare...these folks have some deep hurt within them and are trying to spread that disease to as many others as possible...Solution: kill em with kindness...a bully never knows what to do when met with genuine goodness...bite your sweetly and ignore the nasty

2> The Cap Whore (female...Free) – You’ve seen this one! every City has at least one...hell...i’ve been stuck shivering in fear inside a safe room with them...they will run out during a full on raid...making up some silly excuse for opening up the door and risk all within because their need to be dragged off and pixel raped is so strong...they cannot help themselves...Solution: provide them with a few BDSM landmarks and ask them to play out their anti-Gor fantasy elsewhere

3> The Master (male...Free) – unfortunately...extremely rare this man has control over balanced in his actions understands and behaves with honor...and can be easily identified by the hundreds of women falling at his feet in the submission pose...he is one of the few that can smack you down and dismiss you and you will hop to your feet and attempt to impress time after time... Solution: there is none.. and if i catch any of you trying to change him

4> The Princess (female...slave) – you knew she’d be on this list...admit it! she is the most common type...the most annoying type...and the type that is destroying Gor...she calls herself a sweet and submissive to her Master...then bitches...whines...and stomps her feet until she gets her way Solution: Use RP to whip the slut...and if/when that her and do not allow her back into collar again help her find her correct role...because she was never meant to be a kajira

5> The Drama Queen (not gender specific) – this person has so little drama in their real life that they insist upon coming to Buzzen to drum up some nonsense that gets everyone around them worked up...while they manipulate things to appear as if they are the victim...Solution: treat them like a car on ice and turn into the skid...take the RP ride of your life and sort it all out will enjoy the adventure and they will feed the win for all

6> The kajira (female...slave) – she is not as rare as many think...she is quiet and just wants to smile and’s hard to get to know she will rarely bother you with information about herself out of pure humility...Solution: Do not be fooled into thinking she is boring or dumb...put the effort into bonding with this girl...the payoff is priceless there is no greater beauty then watching one of these girls bloom...this happens when she is collared by “The Master” (see above) and becomes comfortable...if you have not seen a kajira are missing a grand sight

7> The Dictator (female...slave) – this girl is not very common she is a slave...yet she holds no power over all others...this usually comes from either a title or years of experience in Gor...she will kick out quotes...the minute a slave IMs you with a’ve got a dictator on your hands Solution: talk her down when she starts quoting let her be it the right quote for the situation...and when she asks questions tell her to find the quote educate her more--i find this to be me

as with most things...i do love to resolve issues within it is what we are here for...and the least dramatic way of handling most things...i thank you all for the privilege of your time and i wish you all well

2020-10-28 9:39:11 pm
Mind if I borrow this and change out the Gor so I can use it at work ! ?
2020-10-29 9:28:38 am
sure it fits in every situation