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dreamer¤B¤ÇPØ ( always dreaming bigger & better), Bashirs pet)
Female - 43 years old, City of Port Olni, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single

Posted: 2020-11-06 4:16:43 pm Category RolePlay Viewed 141 times Likes 2


"A Free Woman does not learn overnight how to behave. She learns from childhood. The Gorean girl is, even if free, accustomed to slavery; she knows that she is weaker than men and what this can mean; she knows that cities fall, and caravans are plundered; she knows she might even, by a sufficiently old warrior, be captured in her own quarters. The Gorean girl is literally educated, fortunately or not, to the notion that it is of great importance to know how to please men. This prepares a girl who will be a Free Companion, and never a slave, to learn that preparation and serving of food, the arts of walking, and standing, and being beautiful, the care of her man’s equipment, the love dances of her city and so on. There is really no question as to what is found pleasing to men. It is the beauty, the grace, the intelligence and wit that they find in women…”  (Nomads of Gor)

To be a Gorean Free Woman is not easy. We must be aware that we are under much scrutiny in the way we behave, but it can also be extremely rewarding,they are permitted to be a Woman and there is no need for the shame of trying to prove thier selves better than Men or anyone else. They like to think of the term “Free Woman” as being “Free to be a Woman”.

Not much is written regarding the emotions of Free Women, and perhaps slaves and indeed some Men regard them as cold, unfeeling and emotionless beings, and judging by the actions of some Free Women they could be forgiven for this assumption.

First and foremost they are Women, and only Free in the sense we are able to make decisions for ourselves. We are every bit emotionally dependent on Men as are thier slave sisters. To be without emotions, the human spirit is dead, they would be nothing but automatons, performing routine tasks with no joy, no happiness, and no fear.

Lets try to dispel some of the myths about FreeWomen

Perhaps the difference between slaves and Free Women, is that the Free Woman comes to Gor seeking only one Man, and she is content to wait until that Man comes along. That is not to say, she does not become sexually frustrated at times, and perhaps even has a dalliance with one or two Men during this period; she even becomes jealous of some of her slave sisters for their apparent happiness. This then can account for some of the “bitchiness” that is seen happening, but it is not within her own personal codes of conduct to strip herself of her robes and veils to beg a collar.

She may also be Companioned(or married)offline and seeks only the company of like-minded people with whom to converse, and therefore has no interest in dalliances in the cyber world.

This aloofness is often misconstrued as frigidity and the Free Woman is mocked and scorned by those who do not understand. She cannot be slave; it is not within her to serve all Men. Some Free Women are very private individuals, and are not able to verbalize their intimate thoughts or desires, and their shyness can also be misinterpreted.

A Free Woman is very often a submissive creature, and is sometimes criticized for her “slave-like” qualities. How lucky the Man that sees her for what she is and takes her for his Companion, he has the best of both worlds. Other Women are not submissive, but they are subordinate to Men, they are strong women, intelligent, educated and also possess the same emotions, wants and needs as their sisters and complement the Men who choose them as their Companions.

In truth they are only Women, and our emotions run the whole gamut from intense sadness to extreme happiness and ecstasy. In the arms of our lovers we can be every bit as enticing and pleasing as the hottest slut.

A Free Woman is not “out to get” every slave who looks sideways at her. There are clashes of course, but mostly these are clashes of personality, not of status. It would do well for a Free Woman to remain on good terms with all she encounters; who knows, the Man she ultimately seeks could have her surrendering and his steel about her neck.

Free Women do not seek to be men’s equal, if that were the case they would definitely not choose to do so with Goreans.

Free Women on Gor walk on a tightrope...they are constantly searching for a balance… To be firm enough with the slaves and yet be submissive enough with the Men. One false step and she’s falling down. It’s not easy some of them will fall into the trapdoor of being scared to offend slaves because they are perceived as the “Bitch’s that are jealous of slaves”. And this from both sides; the slaves and the Masters.

Slaves will always be slaves and Men will always be Men… but Free Women must constantly keep alive both sides of their personalities; the Free and the slave. It’s not an easy thing to do. It’s also a lonely road, there are so few of us out there that are in essence Free Women. Slaves have more interactions with the Men then we do, and the vast majority of Men prefer the companionship of slaves to that of Free Women. So we are usually left to fend for their selves. And within their selves they stand many false few that are really Free...they doubt and mistrust their peers...they keep them at arm’s length until they are sure...after all they too have been hurt by falseness and lies...we are weary and tired.

It is said: “Inside of every Free Woman there is a slavegirl...and inside of every slavegirl there is a Free Woman”

Love is not in our imagination. It exists between two people who match. It exists where we least expect it, or need it. The truth of the matter is most of us require it as a bare minimum before we commit to each other. Perhaps that is why so many search so hard, and file through so many losses with break-ups and divorce. We can not be satisfied until we strive to find our perfect mate.

I am lonely, Thurnock,” I said.

“All Men are, from time to time, lonely, said Thurnock.”

“I am alone.” I said.

“Except when they are touched by love,” said Thurnock, “all Men are alone”.

(Captive of Gor Page 368)

This passage is a very moving, and passionate statement on behalf of Gorean Men. To me it states without doubt the Gorean Man pursued love to evade these lonely moments along his path. Tarl was reminiscing about Talena, his first love on Gor in this passage.

How does this relate to a Gorean Free Woman, and her place in such a Man’s life.

The position of a Gorean Free Woman is multifaceted at bare minimum. Reality has determined that life is not as simplistic as we wish. Amongst other things raising children, working, organizing, and scheduling are the very base of a day for a Free Woman. The love of a Man at the end of this grueling day must bring a great deal of joy to such a Woman. To be appreciated, and alive with him, to discuss, and interact with him, and finally to please him as a Gorean Companion.

“Most alone, I said, are those whom love has once touched, and left.”

(Captive of Gor Page 369)


We have grown in our knowledge that slaves had a purpose to please, and obey. In those two mandated rules the life of a female slave is fulfilled under the philosophy of Gor. In reality often a Man chooses to have children with his slave, perhaps even joining in marriage for legal purposes in Society’s eyes. Yet we can not deny, she is mere property, Owned. She, the Owned property can be loved, and can love, though the truth is she can not ask for love.

A Free Woman could quench this love, this need in her mate in which he often feels alone. In the partnership of a Man and Woman needs are fulfilled that aren’t comparable the needs of a slave and a Master. A Free woman would fully participate in daily decisions, and listen with understanding in financial aspects of their joining. They would indeed share parenting, as well as physical consummation. The relationship would most likely represent a circle of daily tasks divided between the two, yet the ability to walk alone when need be.

The motivation for many a task is love. It is a highly over used word, one in which many still have difficult defining. As these two Men above sit and ponder, Thurnock listening with his heart to a Man he respects, it is clearly seen that the level of care, and honesty rates paramount with both. Thurnock defines the truth to Tarl, in a manner that is not insulting to a man of Gor.

Online we often see Free Men that have a difficult time at best dealing with Women that are indeed Free. it is clearly shown in the attempts to humiliate or degrade them before opening a dialogue. Perhaps it is merely a testing rod to poke and prod and make certain that before opening his heart, Home, and trust that the Free Woman is indeed Free in heart. That going through these tribunal ritualistic motions, a Man determines who he can draw into his circle of steel.

We know from the books that Men of Gor were not afraid to show emotion. They wept, they laughed, they fought hard. These men were very passionate, and moralistic in their choices. It does not surprise me that they loved fully the ones that made the leap past the ordinary. Great Men as it is known wish only to sit amongst great minds.

In summary it is safe to say, that even though slaves were available with a Paga that Men chose otherwise… They wanted more, something tangible in their lives. No matter how many slaves Bosk owned...He still was lonely...He had not found his truth, his one love.