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¤zia¤ICF's Profile

Current Mood: Naughty
¤zia¤ICF (His Fierce Wanton One, *)
Female - 48 years old, *, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Long-Term Relationship

Updated: 2018-11-27 12:36:04 pm Viewed 441 times Likes 7



zia returned and begged her Masters collar on 

she is the wanton beast of Iskander, Gor~Central Fire Tuchuck Camp~.      

zia's complete and utter purpose in life is to please her Master, in all ways.


zia was born and raised within the walls of turia, she was forunate to some to be adorned with hair as rich and with a shine and softness of silk the color was that of gold, with eyes that born a simular color as the morning skys.  zia was a wild and brazen slave. She had been sold and trained from a early age working her way up in the levels of slavery and regions.Once collared and held within the camps of the Tuchuk she was put up in a game and another Master had caught and won her. For years she found herself tossed from one area and collar to another until Sold to a  merchant  whos caravans set off travelling across the plains only to fall victum to a raid of Tuchuk warriors. zia was taken by the one they referred to as Iskander. Striped of all clothing He placed the turian collar about her neck sealing her fate for now. zia works hard amoung the camp. Yet holds a blazen and wily personality that sometimes pleases her Master and other times she finds she is caught in His bola as she runs for the fields . 



zia is permitted to serve and allowed to visit other homes. Restrictions she is not permitted to be used.

May be punished by anyone, except maiming or killing, and complete scrolls are to be sent to  Iskander at:


...Amoung the Plains, Only the Strong Survive...

a lesson hard learnt by zia
"On Gor," she said, "I have experienced feelings and sensations I never knew could exist. Inhibitions have been shattered, some of them commanded from me by strong men and the blows of the whip, I have learned to live and to feel. My emotions have been freed. My deepest sexuality and nature have on this world at last been fully liberated. I have found myself. I love and I serve. I now know at last what and who I am, a love slave for uncompromising masters."

Page 18 - Rogue of Gor


"The dances of the Tuchuck kajirae are legendary. The words used to describe them are  "barbarous","savage","startling",uncontrolled", and wild. They are love dances sedductive in the extreme, and go a long ways into explaining why the Turians so value the Tuchuk slave girls. Their passion is unparalled, their heat fierce. To hold such a girl enslaved in a collar of submission is an experience without equal on Gor.                       Nomads of Gor 

In Gorean female dance the girl is expected, often, to satisfy, fully, whatever passions she succeeds in arousing in her audience. She is not permitted merely to excite, and flee away; when; at the conclusion of the swirling music, she flings herself to the floor at the mercy of free men, her dance is but half finished; she has yet to pay the price of her beauty.
Tribesmen of Gor     Book 10     Page 85


I looked down upon her,' You are a wanton slave', I said. She looked up at me laughing, 'A girl in a collar is not permitted inhibitions', she said. It was true slave girls must reveal their sexual nature, totally. Do they not do so, they are beaten. (Marauders of gor, page 278)

"Few it seemed to me, much objected to leaving the luxurious delights of the gardens for the freedom of the winds and prairies, the dust, the smell of bosk, the collar of a man who would master them utterly, but before whom they would stand as human shes, individual, each different, each alone and marvelous and prized in the secret world of her master's wagon."
Nomads of Gor, pg 332