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Sfty's Blog

2017-03-15 12:48:01 am by Sfty in category General
Someone asked me a while back how I would describe friends. having been around chat for years, both as a host and as a participant, I have found several things about friends to be true.  First you have to understand what a friend is , and what a friend isnt. A "friend" talks to your face, not to your boobs. A "friend" asks how your day went, not "what color...
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2016-07-14 5:12:32 pm by Sfty in category General
His clothes all tattered, his hair unkept His beard untrimmed and turning gray Do you look in his eyes and give him a smile Or do you just look the other way? Do you wonder why he lives this way Or why his life  had fallen apart Do you scowl at him with disgust Instead of looking in his heart? Do you feel his hunger and his pain Do you offer him a meal or a warm , dry place to...
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2016-06-21 5:04:27 pm by Sfty in category General
The Touch of the Master's Hand   It was battered and scarred,  And the auctioneer thought it  Hardly worth his while  To waste his time on the old violin,  But he held it up with a smile.  "What am I bid, good people", he cried,  "Who starts the bidding for me?"  "One dollar, one dollar, Do I hear...
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259 4