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Do You?

Current Mood: Relaxed
Sfty (*, *)
Female - 104 years old, *, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2016-07-14 5:12:32 pm Category General Viewed 384 times Likes 1

His clothes all tattered, his hair unkept
His beard untrimmed and turning gray
Do you look in his eyes and give him a smile
Or do you just look the other way?

Do you wonder why he lives this way
Or why his life  had fallen apart
Do you scowl at him with disgust
Instead of looking in his heart?

Do you feel his hunger and his pain
Do you offer him a meal or a warm , dry place to sleep
Do you pray with him before you leave
To the Lord for his soul to keep?

Please take a minute, hold his hand
And let him know you care
And remind yourself, There but for the Grace of God
You could be standing there.

Written by sftbrz

2016-10-24 4:43:44 pm
You have a good heart and a kind soul Sft