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Looking up at You

Current Mood: Grateful
ĝŗaċie ♥ (Gracie , *)
Female - 61 years old, *, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single, not dating

Posted: 2018-01-20 4:41:54 pm Category General Viewed 185 times Likes 1

 I kneel to show humility and respect.

I kneel because i know you will look upon me and not down on me.

I kneel so you can rise me up to my feet like the phoenix from the ashes.

2018-01-20 6:30:14 pm
Words spoken right from the heart
2018-01-27 6:00:16 pm
Lovely 😊
2018-02-11 10:56:05 am
Girl kneels because I have provided you a place where kneeling is comfortable safe and secure and you kneel so that I can take pride in you growth.