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Stepping Out

Current Mood: Grateful
ĝŗaċie ♥ (Gracie , *)
Female - 61 years old, *, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single, not dating

Posted: 2018-09-15 5:30:31 pm Category General Viewed 586 times Likes 2

I am ready

On a new path exploring and trying new things.

Will it get rocky? Oh im sure it will.

 Important thing is, im putting myself out there. 

 No longer on the outside looking in

2018-09-15 9:21:11 pm
While you are stepping out to explore I extend to you an invitation to step into the Realm of Gor. The invitation is there, accept if you please, decline if you will. Either way gracie, I wish you well along your path.
2018-09-17 12:28:58 am
Thank you Sir. I dont have much chat time but i will consider your offer