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mèlonïe«Aiken»Helisto's Profile

Current Mood: Lonely
Female - United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Long-Term Relationship

Updated: 2016-03-14 6:00:32 pm Viewed 332 times Likes 1

Personal slave of Aiken, Admiral of the Fleet..Isle of Helisto...Gor

collared June 4, 2015...reserved to her Master's use only

wears only a short silk as it pleases her Master to see His property


if found my


received a yellow and black stone armlet with an anchor pendant...Oct 8,2015 from Mistress Dyani

given a blue and green bina bead by Mistress Rya..November 22, 2015  

gifted a gold anklet with name..from my Master..January 30, 2016


"We keep in touch with the earth," said Misk, "For it might, in time, become a threat to us and then we would have to limit it, or destroy it or leave the solar system." ..."Which will you do?" I asked. ..."None, I suspect," said Misk. "According to our calculations, which may of course be mistaken, life as you know it on the earth will destroy itself within the next thousand years." Priest-Kings of Gor